.....“Population collapse is an existential problem for humanity, not overpopulation!”....

I've been tracking Japan's demographics for at least 10 years now and its population went from 128million to 124million. The growth rate was ~ -0.4% in 2019.

Since December 2020, that's the country that I've used as the Covid countermeasures baseline.

I've learned a lot since 2020. NEVER believe in any "experts". Japan has failed miserably by injecting bioweapons into ~90% of its population. Their experts never independently tested the injections, they believed in the WHO, WEF, DOD like kids! and guess what? Their population problem hasn't started yet - they'll be surprised by the waves of sterility and deaths that are coming their way.

I am a nobody but I knew what was in the bioweapons (HIV inserts, malaria inserts, etc...) in early 2020, and the countermeasures in December 2020. How could entire countries with "expert" scientists and secret services burning $billion/year fall into such a scam?

GOOD News+:

1) Florida asked Clown Schwab to go to hell. DeSantis told them that he had nothing to do with transhumanism.

2) The new Alberta (Canada) PM is in the same boat as DeSantis.

3) Christine Anderson (EU) MP is the pain in the ass for the WEF and WHO.

Little by little, the bird makes its nest.

Beware of "experts", Davos, Gates, WHO, etc.... they're not your brothers!

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Excellent info, thank you 'N' - for a 'nobody' (aren't we all) you are very much on the ball IMHO. Go well.

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Deadly Skies Over America: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots - Putting Your Life At Risk


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Yes, I saw this 'N' - the hidden shortage of pilots indicates the reason. However I am led to understand that flying for the masses needs to be restricted according to the WEF et al - so an enigma at present?

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The masters of the universe will use the remaining unquackcinated pilots for their businesses and the sheeple will be confined in their AI prisons.

Thanks Clown Schwab, Bull Gates, Pope Francis, etc...

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Followed by:

Pilot Dies During Takeoff in Chicago, "The Captain is Out" [ATC audio]


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This is so good, I will post it next week (with acknowledgement) with your permission 'N' - everyone needs to know this because MSM will never cover it.

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I expect everything that I post online since 2020 to be distributed to 8 billion people if it's possible. No permission needed!

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LOL - it is only polite to ask!

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Great find, thank you 'N'

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I like that Elon is openly criticizing the WEF and did not attend their Upper Class Reunion.

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Yes Bert - one of very few billionaires prepared to stand up for what's right and proper.

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I hope he is the real deal, so hard to find people worthy of believing in.

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I am acquainted with his father, Errol, who says Elon, even at a young age, displayed serious intellectual capacity, strategic thinking and didn't give a shit about anyone. He should know; the description fitted Errol too!

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Sounds like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree and so far that's been good for us.

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 'Blow-up Pandemic Mortuary' Set up in 2019 - UK


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I think Ms. Greta T. was either in attendance or at least made a presentation on the periphery.



Regardless, it is a good thing if folks are realizing the WEF is not in the interest of every-day regular folk......


Other bit a news I heard is the Escort service industry was there in force (as in past years I suspect)......but could be even they made less sense (I mean profit) in 23 - I wonder who might have numbers on that?


Best to you,


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It is the world's oldest profession I reckon, and I don't knock it necessarily (everybody has to make a living), but I suspect business is down for them overall in 23 if there are fewer attendees. I guess it depends on whether they get most their business from the corporate folks versus the gubment ones.....who knows and who cares I suppose. But of course, this sort of activity has always been a way to influence individually those in power who can't control their sexual proclivities. Not much more to say about that being it is obvious.


As for Greta, I watched the video of her and at least she answered some of the questions (in contrast to the CEO of Phizer), and she just turned 20 years old a couple weeks ago and I think she should take some time off and start contemplating the big picture - I don't think her parents really did her any favors and she still seems to have a sense of humor, and maybe there is hope for her and she can change her focus. Sadly, I think she has been used as a tool not really in her own interest. I hope she starts growing up a bit being she is no longer a teenager.


Lots going on just now because the narrative is in flux and I think the pushers are on their back feet and that is always precarious.

Best to you,


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I believe that Greta was sold to the WEF, whilst being an autistic and naive teenager who knew no different. She was easily moulded into an icon for Gen Z to engage in the climate scam. These bastards use every trick known to man as Musk has thankfully revealed.

They are certainly loosing ground now so they are doubling down - they won't give up until the anger grows enough to hang them. I feel this article describes it very well; https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/the-realization?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=400535&post_id=98653764&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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OOppss, I stopped reading when you claimed there is wood in solar panels.

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Ah - I hadn't checked, Rick. It appears (in 2016) that this is the way forward - not sure of the outcome, but I guess this is to what the 'engineer' refers. Any questions on the math? Does the principle remain valid?


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This is a false report, stupid to think about. Its all coming from the insane top of the hierarchy who want to maintain their position of power.

The fact is, the planet is not so full of resources it can maintain the increasing amount of energy required to keep the lights on no matter the source.

I, for one, bought solar panels because of the scarcity and looming shortages.., of nearly everything.

To type its either all from fossil fuels and nothing else is not smart. Just like its not smart to think this infrastructure can operate on solar panels.

The real issue is renewable energy devices can not produce enough, can never produce enough electrical sales to pay for the high costs of monopoly utilities along with dividend payments to every conceivable financial scheme including pension funds and such.

When this collapses those with solar panels will have something, those who used money for vacations will have nothing, that is, if anyone needs a simple a binary argument.

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Agreed Rick - I am including reference to your points in my Saturday Letter. Because EROEI is counter-intuitive most people miss the point. This is why I promote local economies, off-grid.

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