Good News Last Week - But Many Bad Smells - The Wheels are Falling Off at Davos - Schwab’s Bizarre Opening Speech - Excess Deaths Continue Globally- Green Energy not so Green?- [01-22-2023]
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Hat Tip to my colleague Gerry at: BOOM Finance and Economics who posts here:
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GOOD NEWS LAST WEEK — BUT MANY BAD SMELLS: THE WHEELS ARE FALLING OFF AT DAVOS: There was a lot of good news last week, especially concerning the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF is an anti-democratic, technocratic, trans-humanist, secret, unelected, manipulative Corporatocracy which seeks secret influence over nation states. None of this is beneficial to the global economy, personal freedoms or the future of democratic institutions. Eventually, all nation states will be forced to abandon all connections with it or surrender to tyranny. Last week’s events are a sign of hope for the future of the global economy based upon representative government and open, mutual cooperation.
Jacinda Ardern, the WEF inspired Prime Minister of New Zealand resigned and will be gone by February 7th. This news was welcomed by people all over the world. She can now look to join the unelected. Perhaps she will now formally join the WEF, the WHO, the UN or perhaps a global banking group to generate even more Jacinda effect on the planet? After all, New Zealand is now toast, a remnant of its former proud self, a nation torn asunder. Its people are no longer free. They are enslaved to an authoritarian, tyrannical government. Time to move on — there are bigger fish for Jacinda to fry out there.
Klaus Schwab essentially admitted defeat for his trans-humanist, technocratic vision of the future in his very short opening speech at the WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland. He was notably subdued and said “we must uplift our hearts”. So, does this mean that he has discovered compassion and empathy as the new means by which to “direct the future”? Is this the Next Big Thing in Davos? BOOM thinks not. It looked like Schwab has got the message that his “vision” of total control is unwanted by Billions of people.
Elon Musk chimed in with some well targeted Tweets —
“How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be the boss of Earth!?”
“Population collapse is an existential problem for humanity, not overpopulation!”
And Musk is not a fan of ESG policies either – Environmental, Social, Governance. In another Tweet he said — “The S in ESG stands for Satanic,” and he referred to the movement as “the devil” back in November.
Davos 2023 is already a big failure. We are clearly at Peak Schwab, Peak WEF. The WEF is now a very bad smell and it is definitely not fashionable to attend. Very few government representatives were seen at the Davos meeting this year. Suddenly, the WEF is on the nose and nobody is listening.
BOOM expects many corporate jets will be leaving early – well before the “conference” is over. Why? Because being caught in Davos on camera is a very bad thing. Just ask Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, who was asked a great number of embarrassing questions from Rebel News while walking down the snow covered streets. He stayed silent. Clearly, he was unwilling to answer some very important questions about Covid vaccines, especially in regard to the fact that they do not stop transmission of the virus.
One reporter asked — “Mr Bourla, can I ask you — when did you know the vaccines did not stop transmission? How long did you know that before saying it publicly?”. And then, again, “You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%, but we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret?” Albert Bourla again ducked the question. The video has now gone viral all over the world. Pfizer’s reputation was destroyed in an instant on a street in Davos. Reacting to the video, the Indian Minister of State for information and technology, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, tweeted, “Just to remind all Indians that Pfizer tried to bully Govt of India into accepting conditions of indemnity.”
China sent only 17 people to the WEF meeting. Just 17 people to represent the second biggest economy on Earth and 1.4 Billion people? That is a huge snub. By comparison, the US contingent was 700 corporate representatives but, notably, there were almost no US government representatives. The UK representatives number 102 with only 2 from the UK government. Even tiny Switzerland sent 234 attendees. China has clearly decided to avoid the WEF.
Note who was NOT attending the WEF meeting at Davos this year – Xi Jing Ping, Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, Emmanuel Macron, Rishi Sunak, Narendra Modi, Vladimir Putin (no Russians allowed), George Soros, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Georgia Meloni, Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg, King Charles, Prince William, Cyril Ramaphosa.
The usual suspects arrived from Europe. Olaf Scholz — President of Germany, Ursula Von Der Leyen – President of the EU Commission, Christine Lagarde of the ECB, Kristalina Georgieva of the IMF, Jens Stoltenberg of NATO. And Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, will again appear begging for more money and more weapons to feed the war, the meat grinder. Sigh. More bad smells. No mention of peace talks that would cost nothing and may save thousands of lives.
The World Economic Forum’s website reportedly posted an article that put some distance between the WEF and Yuval Noah Harari – the man who claims that he/we can become Gods if we embrace technology as the solution to all our problems and abandon our humanness. According to the report, the WEF stated that Harari’s position on Jesus is his and his alone, and he is not an advisor to Schwab. BOOM has not been able to verify this report. If a Search is done for Harari’s name on the WEF website, nothing is found. So has the WEF Guru been thrown off the bus? Harari’s name is not on the list of 2023 Attendees that has been leaked. A conspicuous absence.
The unelected WHO (World Health Organization) chief, Tedros Ghebreyesus, complained that he did not know what was happening inside China. He was seen desperately begging China to “please, please share your data with us” ….. “so that we can help you”. Where has BOOM heard that before? “We are here to help you?”
This means that China has turned their backs on the WHO as well as the WEF. And when 1.4 Billion people do that, the WHO is toast – burnt toast. Another bad smell. India will soon do the same. Then 3 Billion people will be out of the clutches of the unelected World Bad Health Organization. And, if that happens, many other nations will begin to disassociate themselves. There is hope after all.
Then there was Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, the head of the Covid-19 technical team at the WHO, referring in a video to Covid “counter measures” instead of Covid “vaccines”. That slip of the tongue can only be described as bizarre. A counter measure is usually a weapon created in response to an attack. It is a military term. Was she inadvertently thinking of the vaccines as Bioweapons? Did the truth leak out? Perhaps she has been rattled by the recent revelations that the US Department of Defense is actually in full and complete command of the Covid “vaccines” which they describe as Countermeasures. By the way, Kerkhove is not a Doctor of Medicine. She has never had to take personal responsibility for a single sick patient. But somehow she can lecture the world about how to manage a viral illness which, by the way, is no more fatal than Influenza. BOOM detects another bad smell.
One of the noteworthy people not attending Davos is Bill Gates. BOOM would like to remind readers that Gates is also not a Doctor of Medicine and has never had to take personal responsibility for a single sick patient. He has become increasingly scarce lately as a commentator on Covid – another good thing. BOOM does not expect any new photos or videos featuring Gates and Schwab together to appear anytime soon.
Then the US retail sales figures for December were released. They were disappointing and point to a significant reluctance by US consumers to spend. However, this is what BOOM was expecting. Consumer reluctance will do the Federal Reserve’s job for them. Interest rates set by the Fed will probably be increased again on 1st February but by a lesser amount than previously expected. US stock and bond prices should continue on their way higher if further fundamentals confirm such a scenario.
Also, German December wholesale price inflation fell 1.6% on the month, the largest monthly drop since the global financial crisis. The yearly rate of inflation also slowed. Those are two further pieces in the puzzle concerning BOOM’s thesis on falling CPI inflation. We have passed the peak. More consumer spending data for the US will be released on 27th January.
A list of attendees to Davos this year is in circulation on the Net and it looks authentic, reportedly leaked. However, BOOM cannot verify its accuracy. It is a huge, 79 page document full of names with the emails redacted. BOOM has quickly analysed it. So some of these attendee numbers may not be perfectly accurate but they certainly seem close. The main message to take from the document is that many nations’ governments have decided to disconnect from the WEF, at least publicly.
Reportedly, 1,000 private jets flew into the conference, guarded by 5,000 private security personnel and the Swiss Army. Private jets and super high security are apparently required to discuss climate change and poverty. Here is a Summary of the Attendees leaked – Note – Unverified.
· AUSTRALIA – 13 – Only One from Government, the Assistant Minister for Trade
· AUSTRIA – 5 – Three Ministers from the Government
· BELGIUM – 30 – including the PM, Deputy PM, Queen and King of the Belgians
· UK – 105 — TWO FROM GOVT
SCHWAB’S BIZARRE OPENING SPEECH: Klaus Schwab made a short, anti-technocratic speech at the opening. He praised “human ingenuity and creativity”, and “great artists with great culture and the arts”. Then he said uncharacteristically —
“But what is even more important is that we approach the future with a positive spirit. A spirit which reflects human creativity and ingenuity. We have to uplift our hearts….we have to restore a notion… of optimism… and we have to integrate our hearts into everything which we are doing”.
It seemed that he was begging forgiveness for all his previous speeches praising the prime role for technology, trans-humanism and corporations on “mastering the future”. So, in the very opening speech he seemed to have abandoned any pretence to being an unelected, self-appointed, technocratic “Master of the Future”. Paradoxically, that was the announced theme of the meeting. Odd. Very odd indeed. Worth noting.
EXCESS DEATHS CONTINUE GLOBALLY: Excess Deaths (over and above expected numbers) are continuing all over the world and they are not being caused by Covid according to all reports. So what is the cause of this rash of sudden and sometimes not so sudden death?
In Australia, Excess Death numbers for 2022 are tracking 16% above expected levels. Deaths from Dementia are up by 16% and deaths from Diabetes are up by 19%.
Deaths attributed to Covid are only 8,160 of the total deaths 102,206 from January – End of September 2022 as determined by Doctor Certification. That is just 8 % attributed to Covid.
Thus, 92 % of the Excess Deaths are dying from other causes. WHY?
Notably, Respiratory Diseases are LOWER than the Jan – Sep Baseline Average. But Cancer, Dementia and Diabetes are ALL higher than the baseline average. All three of these have been predicted to rise by the many Doctors in many nations who understand the experimental nature of mRNA technology well and who have strongly opposed the introduction of this novel, so-called vaccine technology for the last 3 years.
The mainstream media and the politicians do not want to acknowledge what is happening because the facts point certainly at the Covid vaccines as the possible cause. The harvest of death is unlikely to have any other cause.
Large autopsy studies need to be done which incorporate tests for the presence of Spike protein and for evidence of the viral Nucleocapsid. If the Spike is present in solid organs and the viral Nucleocapsid is not, then the only conclusion can be that the vaccines are to blame and not the virus.
In the UK, the BBC has reported that the Excess Death numbers in 2022 were the worst in 50 years. From June to December, there were 30,000 more deaths than expected. Thus, the annual toll of excess death is about 60,000. That many dead bodies make a huge problem for mortuaries and funeral services – a refrigerated football stadium is needed. In the last week of December, deaths were 20% higher than the five-year average, a figure described as “almost unbelievable” by one commentator.
In Europe, according to EuroMOMO, cumulative excess deaths for 2022 are tracking (again) in excess of 400,000. In the US, they are tracking towards 300,000.
If we add the annualized total excess death numbers in US, UK, Canada, Europe and Australia, they are close to 800,000 people dead in 2022 who should not be dead (theoretically). That is a staggering number – equivalent to more than 3,600 passenger jets crashing annually – almost 9 or 10 EVERY DAY.
If 9 or 10 passenger jets were crashing EVERY DAY, BOOM suspects that an inquiry would be launched into EVERY ONE of them. But when they are dying from Cancer, Diabetes and Dementia, we get crickets ………… silence. No debate. No inquiry.
A MINER FOR 40 YEARS – GREEN ENERGY IS NOT SO GREEN: BOOM saw this rather amazing entry from someone calling him/herself John Lee Pettimore. Now, please bear in mind that John Lee Pettimore is a fictitious character, the narrator in Steve Earle’s song “Copperhead Road.” However, the entry is so startling that BOOM is reproducing it here (almost in full). Readers can pass judgement themselves as to its veracity. BOOM does not know how to check its many claims without extensive mining knowledge and experience. However, if it is only 10% right, then Houston, we have a problem.
From John Lee Pettimore — “As a miner for 40 years I have worked in various mines around the world. Gold, platinum, copper, coal, lead, zinc, oil and salt. I’m going to tell you something, and here it is. We will destroy the earth in the name of “Green Energy”.
MiningWatch Canada is estimating that “[Three] billion tons of mined metals and minerals will be needed to power the energy transition” – a “massive” increase especially for six critical minerals: lithium, graphite, copper, cobalt, nickel and rare earth minerals.
Over the next 30 years 7.5 billion of us, we will consume more minerals than the last 70,000 years or the past 500 generations, which is more than all of the 108 billion humans who have ever walked the Earth.
Mining requires the extraction of solid ores, often after removing vast amounts of overlying rock. Then the ore must be processed, creating an enormous quantity of waste – about 100 billion tonnes a year, more than any other human-made waste stream.
Purifying a single tonne of rare earths requires using at least 200 cubic meters of water, which then becomes polluted with acids and heavy metals. On top of that, imagine the destruction and energy required to obtain these essential metals:
· 18,740 pounds of purified rock to produce 2.2 pounds of vanadium
· 35,275 pounds of ore for 2.2 pounds of cerium
· 110,230 pounds of rock for 2.2 pounds of gallium
· 2,645,550 pounds of ore to get 2.2 pounds of lutecium.
Also staggering amounts of ore are needed for other metals. By 2035, demand is expected to double for germanium; quadruple for tantalum; and quintuple for palladium. The scandium market could increase nine-fold, and the cobalt market by a factor of 24. (Marscheider-Wiedemann 2016 ‘raw materials for emerging technologies’).
The potential demand for rare metals is exponential. We are already consuming over two billion tonnes of metals every year — the equivalent of more than 500 Eiffel Towers a day.
There is nothing refined about mining. It involves crushing rock, and then using a concoction of chemical reagents such as sulphuric and nitric acid, a long and highly repetitive process using many different procedures to obtain a rare-earth concentrate close to 100% purity.
As rare metals have become ubiquitous in green and digital technologies, the exceedingly toxic sludge they produce has been contaminating water, soil, the atmosphere, and the flames of blast furnaces.
Do you think solar panels are “Green”? Think again. There is nothing green about solar panels. Did you know we clear cut forests, not for panel placement but for the wood needed to produce the panels.
I have seen the destruction of mountains, lakes and pristine waterways all in the name of Green Energy. A recent report by the Blacksmith Institute identifies the mining industry as the second-most-polluting industry in the world. Soon to be Number #1 Why? Green energy.
‘Green’ technologies require the use of rare minerals whose mining is anything but clean. Heavy metal discharges, acid rain, and contaminated water sources — it borders on being an environmental disaster. Put simply, clean energy is a dirty affair.
Wind turbines guzzle more raw materials than previous technologies: ‘For an equivalent installed capacity, solar and wind facilities require up to 15 times more concrete, 90 times more aluminum, and 50 times more iron, copper, and glass than fossil fuels or nuclear energy.
Think of China. One-fifth of China’s arable land is polluted from mining and industry. Mining the materials needed for renewable energy potentially affects 50 million square kilometres, 37% of Earth’s land (minus Antarctica). Now imagine that number 10 fold.
If you’ve gotten this far still believing that renewables are clean and green, well, I have a bridge to sell you.” Reference:
In economics, things work until they don’t. Until next week. Make your own conclusions, do your own research. BOOM does not offer investment advice.
BANKS DON’T TAKE DEPOSITS, THEY BORROW YOUR MONEY: LOANS CREATE DEPOSITS — that is how almost all new money is created in the economy (by commercial banks making loans). Watch this short 15 minutes video and learn as Professor Richard Werner brilliantly explains how global banking systems really work.
AND Watch for 4 minutes, this Bank of England explanation: Money is essential to the workings of a modern economy, but its nature has varied substantially over time. This video describes what money is today.
Most economists are unaware of this and even ignore the banking & finance sectors in their econometric models. EMAIL: gerry{at}
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.....“Population collapse is an existential problem for humanity, not overpopulation!”....
I've been tracking Japan's demographics for at least 10 years now and its population went from 128million to 124million. The growth rate was ~ -0.4% in 2019.
Since December 2020, that's the country that I've used as the Covid countermeasures baseline.
I've learned a lot since 2020. NEVER believe in any "experts". Japan has failed miserably by injecting bioweapons into ~90% of its population. Their experts never independently tested the injections, they believed in the WHO, WEF, DOD like kids! and guess what? Their population problem hasn't started yet - they'll be surprised by the waves of sterility and deaths that are coming their way.
I am a nobody but I knew what was in the bioweapons (HIV inserts, malaria inserts, etc...) in early 2020, and the countermeasures in December 2020. How could entire countries with "expert" scientists and secret services burning $billion/year fall into such a scam?
GOOD News+:
1) Florida asked Clown Schwab to go to hell. DeSantis told them that he had nothing to do with transhumanism.
2) The new Alberta (Canada) PM is in the same boat as DeSantis.
3) Christine Anderson (EU) MP is the pain in the ass for the WEF and WHO.
Little by little, the bird makes its nest.
Beware of "experts", Davos, Gates, WHO, etc.... they're not your brothers!
Deadly Skies Over America: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots - Putting Your Life At Risk