"In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of Unbelievers; the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must shine unto them." [2 Corinthians 4:4]
On our Constitution. We do have a written Constitution, sort of, as I understand, it's just that it is spread over many documents. Alfred started it with his law code, c893 from which stems our Common Law.
However, our modern Constitution is made up of what is left of Magna Carta 1215, or those bits not traunced all over by PM Blair.
Apart from Cromwell's 'Instrument of Government', a written Constitution that existed briefly in the 17th Century, we have the Bill of Rights 1689, Acts of Union 1707 and 1800, Act of Settlement 1701, Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, Human Rights Act 1998, Scotland Act, Northern Ireland Act and Government of Wales Act 1998, to mention some of the leading statutes, conventions, judicial decisions, and treaties.
I suppose you could argue that it's success is that it is a living document, not requiring amendment by Constitutional Conventions and the like but its failure is that it can be ignored by those in charge, because it is so poorly known.
Ha Ha Greg - you have it in one, thank you. Not one-in-a-million will know of this (and much more), so the elites have a free reign whilst the 99% battle daily to survive at their various status levels in grand ignorance.
In my business as a systems consultant I have often been able to rationalise some parts of a business, especially stock-holdings, where the 80/20 rule applies. Add to this the mantra that "stock expands to fill the space allowed" and we have an instant bottom-line improvement. When I return a year later on a post mortem - sure enough it's happened again!
There is no fixing Murphy's Law, "If it can go wrong, eventually it will go wrong" It's no good saying that the pilot should have pressed button 'A' before the crash if it's hidden, deep in the flight management system and thus 'not there at all'!
There are so many mantras about this subject alone that I could write a book about it! LOL. I'll stick with Part 2 for now! :-)
Oh yes. Having been involved in some Boards of Enquiry, I know that there is never a single cause of an accident. With aircraft it is almost always a series of events.
Ah so very true Greg. In my sailing experience it is the want of a nail in the horseshoe that causes the battle to be lost. And never so true in my yachting experiences which is why I have 2 backups!
A silly little gasket cause my engine to fail at a crucial moment off the French coast as I was battling a strong tide motor sailing. There was little wind and so I did what all good sailors do - I put out 100 metres of anchor cable and waited for the brakes to take hold!
All safe after 30 mins - and then to used my backups to mend the fault. Every day at sea is a lesson, which if not learned, causes eventual disaster iMHO.
I see staggering numbers of dead but a very real difference in morale. Ukraine is fighting for home and momma, Russians for money and because they must. For the moment it remain low level combat, mostly ground based with Ukraine greatly hampered by minimal air support. Russians have seemingly endless stockpiles of weapons and an obvious attempt to destroy all they can - if you won't give up, I will destroy you. The US is somewhat torn as most of the EU but do fear future Russian expansion. Nobody but Putin knows what he plans to do.
I had really thought Russia would stop this in the summer. It appears not to be. I dread what might lie ahead as "volunteers" arrive to supplement attrited troops. But appeasement led to the success of the Russian revolution, WW1, WW2 - a lesson that still gives pause.
So the grind of Russian is winning or Ukraine is winning, along with various moral and economy questions - propaganda. In the end there will be losers on both sides and a lot of work ahead fr already overextended economies. The world economic suffering ahead won't be pretty. Somehow I can't believe China is happy about fewer customers to fund their military ambitions.
I do wonder if Putin is focused on Ukraine's resources, grain, minerals and fuel? I base this on his interest in Syria and surrounds, but he might also be focused on maintaining strategic ports. He can afford just to grind away to the last Ukrainian fighter standing. So sad.
It's just an area and a possibility that I watch with interest. HH is right about competition and the ports but I do wonder if Putin has a longer term strategy regarding minerals/grain etc. I know that some in Israel worry about that.
Ha Ha Greg - spot on - many in Israel worry about a lot of things. When you are in the lions den the only way out is to pray and I guess that's the best they can do. Except they can always clobber the undefended Palestinians I guess, out of spite.
But for me to say this is verboten - I must never question the seed of my own line! My mother was half Jewish (but didn't practice thus I was saved from circumcision as a baby). Her mother was a Romanian Jew who met my grandfather on the battlefield of WW1.
But my father was of Viking heritage of which I inherited 90% and I am proud to be of this tribe - (I guess the Jewish ingredient is recessive!). Regardless, I am a God-fearing person who believes that Jesus will prevail in the final judgement. Inshallah.
Our ancestry does govern who we are, to an extent. It is such a fascinating subject, however, the longer I live, the more I realise that God has placed us where He wanted us, and when. An awesome thought.
It is indeed an awesome thought Greg. I was born in 1944, 30 years after 1914, the year that Jesus became King in Heaven and he started his ministry at the age of 30. Now we have 2024 next year, 110 years from 1914. This is a significant number in the Bible. https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/110.html
Most people I know think I am mad - but I know now what He knows about me, and I know my mission after 77 years of searching, for unknown to me all those years YHWH was walking with me all the time, teaching and putting in much love and care, to have me understand why I was placed here.
Now I know, without any doubt, after my Damascus moment last year. I do have a close affiliation to Paul and a similar character.
"Paul was a great leader. He gathered disciples, worked with them, trained them, and sent them out. He established churches, maintained contact with them through letters, sent messengers and workers to them, and revisited them. He led by example and by service". But I am not a leader although I share this with him: "Paul sometimes struggled with pride and had a hot temper. He says that God sent a thorn in his flesh to keep him humble (2 Co 12:7). LOL
I have faced six near-death experiences in my life, by land (3), sea (2) and air (1), and every time I have walked away without a scratch. It really was a miracle. And then my friends say I am mad to go to SA. LOL.
"Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me". [Psalm 23:4]
Russia had a long term lease on the port and that included several military bases in Crimea. Not sure if there was any dispute leading to the 2014 green men arrival. Crimea has long been a solid vacation spot for Russians given business happy with the troops and visitors. And now it's a real mess.
Don't think Ukraine is any competitor in terms of fuels given Russia assets. No need for grain in Russia - they export, same for minerals.
I do understand that about Crimea, and also about the fuel, grain and minerals, but it seems to me anyway, that Russia sees a strategic advantage in being in control of these assets and also those in the Middle East. Just a thought.
It's a good thought Greg - commodities are the life-blood of our extreme Global North life-style and they are getting scarce in the West. I shall be writing about this on Saturday: https://capitalistexploits.at/market-insights/
So, where to from here? My take is an extended global depression with the fake wealth of the billionaires going back from whence it came. - zero. Then I do believe 'The People' will prevail - at last! Complex systems always re-set but in a natural way and not as engineered and envisioned by WEF et al.
You can't beat stupid and these elites are stupid beyond measure - they lost it a long time ago in a mad rush to preserve their apparent 'wealth'. They think that CBCDs are an answer for them - but have not factored in the Human psyche - they WILL lose 'HH'.
Glad to see you getting some traction with your newsletter. We think the same to the point of what you write sound familiar, but with the UK slant. Rough seas ahead for all of us, be ready.
The Trump lynch mob is frothing at the mouth over here, and making him stronger in the process.
LOL Bert - it is of course kabuki theatre - the real power lies with the hidden Banksters as the 'Wizard of Oz' so eloquently exposed. It's the man behind the curtain that pulls the strings.
According to Rabbi Menachem Mendal Schneerson the entire purpose of the "meat grinder" in Ukraine is to kill as many Goy as possible and displace the rest. Looks like sweet success! He stated this unequivocally in 1994.
Did I ever tell you where the name COVID came from? Just flip it backward to DIVOC. That is the Hebrew word referring to demonic possession.
I am generally finding that the more "red" the meat is served on my blog the more people like it. There are those that are scared to "like" my material but plenty who do. Subscriptions are really picking up now because there is nowhere I won't GO if I believe it is the truth. People appreciate that.
I love it - there is nowhere I will not go either Et. It's great to have fellow travellers - I've felt a little lonely these last 20 years but the truth is getting out bigtime. Look out for the 'Alien' PsyOp in the coming months - they are building up to it now. And Maui looks like 'The War of the Worlds' - DEWs and all the trimmings.
My mate reckons that the Mars was like earth aeons ago and then the sun changed, the atmosphere disappeared but the Martians had enough tech to reach Earth, colonise it, genetically engineer Homo Erectus into Homo Sapiens, and start over. Hummm..... :-)
I already sent you one of the sites that translates the Talmud. If you search for "Satanic Verses of the Jewish Talmud" you'll find many. I trust the below one because Brother Nathanael is a Russian Jew converted to Christianism and knows what he's talking about. He's not a "conspiracy theorist"!
NB: I also had a zionist confirm to me online the validity of one of the verses - so, you can take the below check to the bank!
Many thanks 'N' you are always ahead of me - so I step in your footprints! I love that you are with me, a humble soul, but ready to learn new things from above - you might say an 'apprentice' in the crucible of your wisdom.
I strongly believe that the above Rabbi was aware of Soros' plan for Eastern Europe:
Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO
- George Soros (RKM), November 1, 1993
“The collapse of the Soviet empire has created a collective security problem of the utmost gravity. Without a new world order, there will be disorder;”….
“... Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder.” – Georgia, 2008, Ukraine since 2014. What’s next?
An interesting essay covering a lot of past history viewed by Soros. A lot of that makes solid sense but is certainly negated by what the WEF seems to be - corporations replacing governments. Governments are at best imperfect but at least when we citizens are angry enough we can get change. Corporations have no such ability to change aside from customer revolt (Bud Lite) but the more they can evolve to monopoly the more they can refuse customer alternatives. If AB controlled the beer market which they almost so, they can ignore customers.
BTW I see the US hobbled by concerns of the collapse of the Russians. Post Putin, then what? The Russian economy is struggling from my perch. While military expenses are keeping things afloat, destruction of materials is negative. Seemingly they can "outproduce" the west in terms of munitions, that can't be sustained long term. Eating bullets is not wise. Should the west decide to suffer - propaganda on the rise - the rather large west will outproduce Russia. But the collapse of Russia, New World Order?
On our Constitution. We do have a written Constitution, sort of, as I understand, it's just that it is spread over many documents. Alfred started it with his law code, c893 from which stems our Common Law.
However, our modern Constitution is made up of what is left of Magna Carta 1215, or those bits not traunced all over by PM Blair.
Apart from Cromwell's 'Instrument of Government', a written Constitution that existed briefly in the 17th Century, we have the Bill of Rights 1689, Acts of Union 1707 and 1800, Act of Settlement 1701, Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, Human Rights Act 1998, Scotland Act, Northern Ireland Act and Government of Wales Act 1998, to mention some of the leading statutes, conventions, judicial decisions, and treaties.
I suppose you could argue that it's success is that it is a living document, not requiring amendment by Constitutional Conventions and the like but its failure is that it can be ignored by those in charge, because it is so poorly known.
Ha Ha Greg - you have it in one, thank you. Not one-in-a-million will know of this (and much more), so the elites have a free reign whilst the 99% battle daily to survive at their various status levels in grand ignorance.
In my business as a systems consultant I have often been able to rationalise some parts of a business, especially stock-holdings, where the 80/20 rule applies. Add to this the mantra that "stock expands to fill the space allowed" and we have an instant bottom-line improvement. When I return a year later on a post mortem - sure enough it's happened again!
There is no fixing Murphy's Law, "If it can go wrong, eventually it will go wrong" It's no good saying that the pilot should have pressed button 'A' before the crash if it's hidden, deep in the flight management system and thus 'not there at all'!
There are so many mantras about this subject alone that I could write a book about it! LOL. I'll stick with Part 2 for now! :-)
Oh yes. Having been involved in some Boards of Enquiry, I know that there is never a single cause of an accident. With aircraft it is almost always a series of events.
Ah so very true Greg. In my sailing experience it is the want of a nail in the horseshoe that causes the battle to be lost. And never so true in my yachting experiences which is why I have 2 backups!
A silly little gasket cause my engine to fail at a crucial moment off the French coast as I was battling a strong tide motor sailing. There was little wind and so I did what all good sailors do - I put out 100 metres of anchor cable and waited for the brakes to take hold!
All safe after 30 mins - and then to used my backups to mend the fault. Every day at sea is a lesson, which if not learned, causes eventual disaster iMHO.
Watching YouTube of the battles to-and-fro suggests our immersion in a sea of propaganda. I check out https://www.youtube.com/@RFU and https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov. I did watch https://www.youtube.com/@freerussia1. Did anybody observe that the audio seems generated?
I see staggering numbers of dead but a very real difference in morale. Ukraine is fighting for home and momma, Russians for money and because they must. For the moment it remain low level combat, mostly ground based with Ukraine greatly hampered by minimal air support. Russians have seemingly endless stockpiles of weapons and an obvious attempt to destroy all they can - if you won't give up, I will destroy you. The US is somewhat torn as most of the EU but do fear future Russian expansion. Nobody but Putin knows what he plans to do.
I had really thought Russia would stop this in the summer. It appears not to be. I dread what might lie ahead as "volunteers" arrive to supplement attrited troops. But appeasement led to the success of the Russian revolution, WW1, WW2 - a lesson that still gives pause.
So the grind of Russian is winning or Ukraine is winning, along with various moral and economy questions - propaganda. In the end there will be losers on both sides and a lot of work ahead fr already overextended economies. The world economic suffering ahead won't be pretty. Somehow I can't believe China is happy about fewer customers to fund their military ambitions.
I do wonder if Putin is focused on Ukraine's resources, grain, minerals and fuel? I base this on his interest in Syria and surrounds, but he might also be focused on maintaining strategic ports. He can afford just to grind away to the last Ukrainian fighter standing. So sad.
What 'HH' said Greg - he is on the ball IMHO.
It's just an area and a possibility that I watch with interest. HH is right about competition and the ports but I do wonder if Putin has a longer term strategy regarding minerals/grain etc. I know that some in Israel worry about that.
Ha Ha Greg - spot on - many in Israel worry about a lot of things. When you are in the lions den the only way out is to pray and I guess that's the best they can do. Except they can always clobber the undefended Palestinians I guess, out of spite.
But for me to say this is verboten - I must never question the seed of my own line! My mother was half Jewish (but didn't practice thus I was saved from circumcision as a baby). Her mother was a Romanian Jew who met my grandfather on the battlefield of WW1.
But my father was of Viking heritage of which I inherited 90% and I am proud to be of this tribe - (I guess the Jewish ingredient is recessive!). Regardless, I am a God-fearing person who believes that Jesus will prevail in the final judgement. Inshallah.
Our ancestry does govern who we are, to an extent. It is such a fascinating subject, however, the longer I live, the more I realise that God has placed us where He wanted us, and when. An awesome thought.
It is indeed an awesome thought Greg. I was born in 1944, 30 years after 1914, the year that Jesus became King in Heaven and he started his ministry at the age of 30. Now we have 2024 next year, 110 years from 1914. This is a significant number in the Bible. https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/110.html
Most people I know think I am mad - but I know now what He knows about me, and I know my mission after 77 years of searching, for unknown to me all those years YHWH was walking with me all the time, teaching and putting in much love and care, to have me understand why I was placed here.
Now I know, without any doubt, after my Damascus moment last year. I do have a close affiliation to Paul and a similar character.
"Paul was a great leader. He gathered disciples, worked with them, trained them, and sent them out. He established churches, maintained contact with them through letters, sent messengers and workers to them, and revisited them. He led by example and by service". But I am not a leader although I share this with him: "Paul sometimes struggled with pride and had a hot temper. He says that God sent a thorn in his flesh to keep him humble (2 Co 12:7). LOL
I have faced six near-death experiences in my life, by land (3), sea (2) and air (1), and every time I have walked away without a scratch. It really was a miracle. And then my friends say I am mad to go to SA. LOL.
"Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me". [Psalm 23:4]
QED, Blessings
Opps - I meant to attached this: https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/paul-character-study/
Russia had a long term lease on the port and that included several military bases in Crimea. Not sure if there was any dispute leading to the 2014 green men arrival. Crimea has long been a solid vacation spot for Russians given business happy with the troops and visitors. And now it's a real mess.
Don't think Ukraine is any competitor in terms of fuels given Russia assets. No need for grain in Russia - they export, same for minerals.
I do understand that about Crimea, and also about the fuel, grain and minerals, but it seems to me anyway, that Russia sees a strategic advantage in being in control of these assets and also those in the Middle East. Just a thought.
It's a good thought Greg - commodities are the life-blood of our extreme Global North life-style and they are getting scarce in the West. I shall be writing about this on Saturday: https://capitalistexploits.at/market-insights/
"I can't believe China is happy about fewer customers to fund their military ambitions." You are so right 'HH' China is losing their markets as the global economy slows down as I predicted in my book: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020 (Chapter 13 is my assessment)
So, where to from here? My take is an extended global depression with the fake wealth of the billionaires going back from whence it came. - zero. Then I do believe 'The People' will prevail - at last! Complex systems always re-set but in a natural way and not as engineered and envisioned by WEF et al.
You can't beat stupid and these elites are stupid beyond measure - they lost it a long time ago in a mad rush to preserve their apparent 'wealth'. They think that CBCDs are an answer for them - but have not factored in the Human psyche - they WILL lose 'HH'.
Glad to see you getting some traction with your newsletter. We think the same to the point of what you write sound familiar, but with the UK slant. Rough seas ahead for all of us, be ready.
The Trump lynch mob is frothing at the mouth over here, and making him stronger in the process.
LOL Bert - it is of course kabuki theatre - the real power lies with the hidden Banksters as the 'Wizard of Oz' so eloquently exposed. It's the man behind the curtain that pulls the strings.
Amen to that.
According to Rabbi Menachem Mendal Schneerson the entire purpose of the "meat grinder" in Ukraine is to kill as many Goy as possible and displace the rest. Looks like sweet success! He stated this unequivocally in 1994.
Did I ever tell you where the name COVID came from? Just flip it backward to DIVOC. That is the Hebrew word referring to demonic possession.
I am generally finding that the more "red" the meat is served on my blog the more people like it. There are those that are scared to "like" my material but plenty who do. Subscriptions are really picking up now because there is nowhere I won't GO if I believe it is the truth. People appreciate that.
I love it - there is nowhere I will not go either Et. It's great to have fellow travellers - I've felt a little lonely these last 20 years but the truth is getting out bigtime. Look out for the 'Alien' PsyOp in the coming months - they are building up to it now. And Maui looks like 'The War of the Worlds' - DEWs and all the trimmings.
My mate reckons that the Mars was like earth aeons ago and then the sun changed, the atmosphere disappeared but the Martians had enough tech to reach Earth, colonise it, genetically engineer Homo Erectus into Homo Sapiens, and start over. Hummm..... :-)
Sample Talmud verses that guide Soros et al.:
“The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
Great 'N' thank you. Can you note your sources please?
I already sent you one of the sites that translates the Talmud. If you search for "Satanic Verses of the Jewish Talmud" you'll find many. I trust the below one because Brother Nathanael is a Russian Jew converted to Christianism and knows what he's talking about. He's not a "conspiracy theorist"!
NB: I also had a zionist confirm to me online the validity of one of the verses - so, you can take the below check to the bank!
Satanic Verses of the Jewish Talmud - 2008
Many thanks 'N' you are always ahead of me - so I step in your footprints! I love that you are with me, a humble soul, but ready to learn new things from above - you might say an 'apprentice' in the crucible of your wisdom.
I strongly believe that the above Rabbi was aware of Soros' plan for Eastern Europe:
Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO
- George Soros (RKM), November 1, 1993
“The collapse of the Soviet empire has created a collective security problem of the utmost gravity. Without a new world order, there will be disorder;”….
“... Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder.” – Georgia, 2008, Ukraine since 2014. What’s next?
Great link, thanks 'N' - adds to the alien nature of Soros. Perhaps he really is a Martian? LOL
An interesting essay covering a lot of past history viewed by Soros. A lot of that makes solid sense but is certainly negated by what the WEF seems to be - corporations replacing governments. Governments are at best imperfect but at least when we citizens are angry enough we can get change. Corporations have no such ability to change aside from customer revolt (Bud Lite) but the more they can evolve to monopoly the more they can refuse customer alternatives. If AB controlled the beer market which they almost so, they can ignore customers.
BTW I see the US hobbled by concerns of the collapse of the Russians. Post Putin, then what? The Russian economy is struggling from my perch. While military expenses are keeping things afloat, destruction of materials is negative. Seemingly they can "outproduce" the west in terms of munitions, that can't be sustained long term. Eating bullets is not wise. Should the west decide to suffer - propaganda on the rise - the rather large west will outproduce Russia. But the collapse of Russia, New World Order?
But "the rather large west will outproduce Russia." I don't think so 'HH'. History is my guide - Russia is x4 greater in area alone than the US and their production is awesome. This is old (2020 from my files) but has good credibility IMHO - it is always rewarding to look back, as BOOM will confirm tomorrow: https://www.awaragroup.com/blog/russia-vs-america-real-income-comparison/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=UniSender&utm_campaign=226174495