GODS RULE! – Data War – Consult? – Vaxx Apathy – Cash! – Health Check – Cowardice – Ukraine Sitrep – Localisation – Price Spike - Cars – 'Trannies' – All OK – Letter from Great Britain - [08-19-23]
"In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of Unbelievers; the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must shine unto them." [2 Corinthians 4:4]
WEF DECLARES “We Are Gods, if You Stand in Our Way, You Will Die.” DARTH VADER UNMASKED (7min Video)
WORLD WAR III (WW3) is an INFORMATION WAR, Silent and Quiet. We are all in it, like it or not. The choice is simple: Stay the distance regardless; "Keep Calm and Carry On" or as I’m doing, move to a country where personal freedoms are transparent, not only celebrated but also written into the Constitution.
This might surprise the people of Britain who are bombarded daily with failing living standards, ill-health, ethereal economic statistics, Net Zero PsyOp, captured Establishment media & academia, and exploitative corporations, combined with an ever expanding opaque central government that bury the laws under reams of legalese which not one-in-a-million can fathom.
Britain is unique among its peers in not having a Written Constitution. The British Constitution has never been codified, (i.e. laws into one single document). Britain has a highly complex mishmash of laws dating back 1,000 years or more. It's an impenetrable black hole that few understand, except perhaps a few professors like David Starkey. This leaves the British people exposed to obfuscation and the machinations of ruling elites who exert extreme control over all aspects of British life, but hidden in the shadows centred on the City of London.
Britain is unique amongst its peers, all of them having strong codified constitutions, especially South Africa where events due soon will demonstrate the strength of the SA Constitution and which will be posted in TFJ Part 2 next month. Only New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and Israel lack a codified constitution for obvious reasons one might surmise.
I have described many examples in the past exposing the methods used by Westminster and The Whitehall Establishment Blob in order to circumvent the fundamental rights and freedoms of the British People. Here's just one of many examples.
The HMG 'Investigatory Powers Act (2016)' (IPA) is now in force. The associated statutory powers are enforced by public authorities, including law enforcement and the intelligence community, to obtain private communications data. A 'Notices Regime' is set out in the Act, which provides for three different kinds of 'Notices' that HMG can impose on service providers falling within the IPA's scope:
Data retention notices
Technical capability notices
National security notices
The IPA was legislated after a lengthy period of debate about how to safeguard national security whilst also respecting an individual's fundamental rights and embedding safeguards including transparency and judicial authorisation [they say]. But a stealthy regime has allowed authorised agencies to seek lawful access to data and to give "notices where necessary and proportionate".
It also provided recourse for service providers to seek a review of notices if they felt these were disproportionate, unlawful or conflicted with other laws that applied to them. It appears that some of the objectives set out in the consultation have the potential to:
Remove important safeguards concerning the use of existing powers under the IPA, or introduce new legal obligations and powers without clarity on what safeguards will surround their use
Exacerbate conflicts of laws that put global businesses in impossible positions and make Britain less attractive for investment
Negatively affect the attraction of Britain for service providers; hindering their ability to innovate services for their users, including improvements to the privacy, integrity and security of their services like end-to-end encryption
This is 'Standard Operating Procedure' (SOP) used by HMG when invoking despotic control mechanisms. Once an Act of Parliament is on the Statute Book, using deliberately vague legalise, gradual modifications will occur over time (aka, mission-creep by regulatory means) without one-in-a-million even noticing, least of all the politicians, who are charged to protect the rights of their constituents but fail at every stage.
For example, it is proposed that companies must comply with a notice before any requested review is completed. This would deprive companies of the opportunity to seek a review of the appropriateness of notices before being obliged to follow it. Thus, effectively nullifying the impact of an eventual appeal thus diluting vital safeguards established in the IPA.
Furthermore, there are concerns regarding the proposed but unspecified expansion of the 'Notice Regime' scope with respect to service providers overseas. This proposal raises serious questions. For example, it is unclear what sort of ‘departure from the status quo’ is envisaged and if this change would amount to HMG surveillance extending into foreign territories thus building a global surveillance network.
It is also unclear whether the proposed changes are intended to bring new categories of companies into the 'Notice Regime' including those providing infrastructure to providers of consumer services. The intent of this proposal will have significant consequences and therefore further clarity is called for but unlikely; HMG have their standing orders.
You get the picture – can you say 'smoke-screen? It's a complex system of obfuscation which increases HMG controls at all stages – aka, "slowly, slowly catchy monkey" or the well-known "slow boiling frog" and "Hasten Slowly", a mantra which was popular at HMG War Office during the 1960s, to my certain knowledge.
Exposing these indecipherable machinations is littered with 'plausible deniability' on behalf of HMG and The Establishment as witnessed during proceedings at the Covid Inquiry latest and this HMG Notice [obfuscation writ large!]. However, one weapon open to 'The People' is that of satire which is why I use it often (the elites hate been ridiculed). Here's an example. "A Very British 'Democracy' | Yes, Prime Minister | BBC" – Note that Sir Humphrey, represents The British Establishment'- aka Whitehall & Westminster.
TO RUB IT IN; have you noticed HMG outcome of its ridiculous 'CONSULTATION on Digital IDs'? An overwhelming proportion of the responses were against to the Government’s proposals! Questions Results: (1): 73% opposed (2% supported); (2): 76% opposed (2% supported); (3): 75% opposed (3% supported); (4): 89% opposed (6% supported); (5): 93% opposed (4% supported); (6): N/A; (7): 87% opposed (3% supported); (8): 58% opposed (25% supported); (9): 54% opposed (29% supported); (10): 83% opposed (8% suppor
Those figures are damning enough. But the Cabinet Office has other, larger worries: the majority of respondents have got hold of the idea that “an individual’s data privacy was more important than the benefits of improved services” and don’t show much confidence in Government’s ability to keep their data private.
In mitigation, the Cabinet Office has decided to exclude, “up to 20%” of responses from the analysis, where respondents suggested that expanding the use of digital identity might “mean citizens would not be able to use cash, that they would support a social credit system, that they would lead to an identity card being introduced or that digital identities are going to be made mandatory for all people. As these wider matters [but crucial!]were not part of the consultation we determined these responses on wider issues to be out of scope for analysis.” Translation: If it goes against the plan - exclude it
It's a well-rehearsed response, which will no doubt be repeated when analysis of the CBDC consultation is published. Public opposition is acknowledged and immediately mischaracterised: "opponents have no agency but have been misled by vague, unnamed forces" - (“anti-digital commentaries” – seriously?) and opinions based on ‘misinformation’ can legitimately – no, must, for the sake of ‘democracy’ – be ignored. Familiar stuff: shift the debate from, say, “Do you support the EU?” to “Who is funding the Leave campaign?”
The Establishment seek to portray citizens' valid concerns about HMG motives and competence into a set of anti-misinformation sound-bites, helpfully forwarded to friends such as the Institute for Government, who can write puff pieces on HMG's noble struggle against ignorance and superstition! Sources
The Independent: The Online Safety Bill and Investigatory Powers Act (snoopers’ charter) update
HMG: Investigatory Powers Act
HMG: Closed consultation: Consultation on revised notices regimes in the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (accessible version)
Public Opposed to U.K. Government’s Digital Identity Expansion Plans https://dailysceptic.org/2023/08/11/public-opposed-to-u-k-governments-digital-identity-expansion-plans/
Scott Ritter (Twitter): "This is a targeted effort by YouTube to remove/minimize my voice, and those of my guests and the people who took the time to ask probing questions about the pressing issues of the day. Those who are behind this should know—you won’t succeed."
WELL DONE Britain; here at last is some good news this week. Due to a decline in uptake rates, Britain has now lost its position as a global leader in vaccination. It appears, at long last, that the good British public are becoming more aware of the corruption and lies surrounding the Vaxx. I wondered why parents were reluctant to jab their children, I have an idea why, but we mustn’t mention serious adverse reactions to the jabbed, must we?
COVID UPDATE: there's a new variant speeding through the UK! They aren't giving up on their fear-mongering – persistent little bastards aren't they? Debi says, "In a last ditch attempt to get us all to take a needle for the NHS, there are reports that there is a new variant of Covid. This time, it’s the variant EG.51, and it is related to Omicron, which (as previously noted) is an anagram of ‘moronic’. Its other name is Eris, which just happens to be Greek for ‘strife’. The UK Health Security Agency (Spooks, to me) has, of course, been carefully monitoring it and is already pumping out their fear-mongering stories"
The World Health Organisation started tracking Eris two weeks ago and is now warning people to wear a mask in a crowded places, to get boosters when recommended, and to ensure adequate ventilation when inside. It's a good job there is a new air sensor that when placed in a room can sense Covid in five minutes! And I'm told that trained dogs can sniff out sickness in seconds!
The good news, of course, is that the more the WHO push their ridiculous propaganda, the people everywhere will wake up these silent weapons.
NEWS FLASH - 'Keep-Cash' demanded by the GB News petition delivered this week, with great fanfare, evoked a grudging response from HMG. You can bet this will be a prolonged battlespace during the ongoing hostilities. Free access to cash protected
The same thing happened to me the other week on LinkedIn. A well-wisher let me know that he liked my scribbles but I shouldn't be concerned if I get no 'Likes' for obvious reasons. I feel the same as ZUBY!
BREAKING NEWS: Don't forget to follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members
UKRAINE Counter Offensive - Sitrep Update
UKRAINE – The unspoken truth - Russians decimate Ukrainian forces on the Zaporozhian Front and Counter Attack:
Over the last two months Ukraine has lost an estimated 43,000 military personnel for the re-capture of small blue areas above. That is the unspoken, hideous truth of a counter offensive which isn't. It is in fact a meat-grinder for the uninformed, uniformed young men and women, and collateral damage on both sides that have been captured by the Western Propaganda machine.
US/NATO and EU deliberately provoked Russia into the conflict in Ukraine being fully aware of all the acts since 2014 that resulted in the Russian SMO. US/NATO must be held accountable for this horrendous never ending conflict extending the continuous aggression by the Atlantic Alliance. US/NATO's European officials are continually claiming, "More support is necessary for Ukraine". They are either completely incompetent, ignoring the utterly hopeless reality, or are deliberately setting out to kill and injure innocent human beings.
The massive quantities of matériel delivered by US/NATO, as well countless billions of dollars, have netted next to nothing; they hold a losing hand. It's long past time for a batch of leaders to emerge with peace in their hearts and a willingness to enter into cooperation with the Global South, fronted by the BRICS, or face eventual destruction. Sources
The New York Times: Ukrainian Troops Trained by the West Stumble in Battle
BBC (Verify): Ukraine counter-offensive against Russia yields only small gains in first 2 months
YouTube: Weeb Union | Free Russia Channel | Defense Politics Asia
Il Russo: Evacuation of a captured British armored car Mastiff, captured by soldiers of the 37th brigade in the direction of South Donets
Wall Street Journal: Ukraine’s Stalled Offensive Puts Biden in Uneasy Political Position
Humbled Western Officials Admit the Ukraine Counteroffensive ‘Extremely Unlikely’ to Succeed https://sputnikglobe.com/20230809/humbled-western-officials-admit-ukraines-counteroffensive-extremely-unlikely-to-succeed-1112483143.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
The Messenger: Ukraine is Losing US Weapons on the Battlefield
Washington Post: F–16 training for Ukrainian pilots faces delays and uncertainty
DECENTRALISED LOCAL GOVERNANCE really is superior to centralisation of powers in Westminster. The Labour Party's 'New Britain' Report (December 2022) suggests a new constitution. They claim to have found a vehicle for Renewing our Democracy and Rebuilding our Economy described by internationally recognised evidence from Professor Philip McCann.
The professor discovered that 50% of Britons live in deprived areas poorer than parts of the former East Germany and Central/Eastern Europe. So what's not working in Britain apart from the obvious? In April 2020 a ground-breaking, 10-page report outlining what localisation could achieve, by addressing the deep-seated failures of centralised government, was placed before HMG which they buried because the ruling elite will not give up their power to local communities for reasons demonstrated by Sir Humphrey above. https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/2791/pdf/
Centralised group-think creates a rationale for the '15-minute City' concept. But even local authorities have been infected with WEF /ESG toxic thinking as exemplified by the Winchester District Net Zero local plan. Note the emphasis on banning motor vehicles. According to eco-terrorists this is a fair price to pay with fewer individual freedoms being sacrificed in favour of the community wellbeing and climate change.
My model, described in Thursday's post, is based on localisation, with the Amish as a living example, albeit an extreme one. This model does not favour the Banksters with a need to maintain their current lifestyle whilst excluding the rest of humanity. Think about what these globalists are saying in this 11 minute discourse. [spoiler alert: The Economist is a Globalist mouthpiece]
Services are where the price spikes have occurred. A similar record price spike in services is raging in the Eurozone. Headline inflation fell on Wednesday but let's look in the weeds; Wolf Richter has the detail.
Core & Services, which the BoE follows, do not bode well for interest rates in September. Core inflation remained at 6.9% in July, the same as June, and Services inflation rose to 7.4% from 7.2% in June.
Ruth Gregory, economist at consultancy Capital Economics noted, "With wage growth and services inflation both stronger than the Bank had expected, it seems clear that the Bank has more work to do." ['More work' means the only lever the BoE has – interest rates.]
“When you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail”. As I have said on many occasions a ‘hammer’ is entirely the wrong tool to use in these conditions and the BoE knows this perfectly well. Thus it can only be deliberate economic destruction in preparation for a 'Final Solution'.
Earlier on Tuesday was a bombshell data release. Average weekly earnings excluding bonuses rose to 7.8% in the three months to June, the highest since records began in 2001, according to the Office for National Statistics. In another surprise, the unemployment rate increased from 4% to 4.2%, the highest since October 2021. This was driven by people who have been unemployed for up to six months. Or perhaps it’s people working-from-anywhere (WFA) as I will be next year. However this will add to the BoE's concerns about high inflation.
Families are struggling to get by, there are record numbers of people out of work due to long-term sickness, and the employment rate for over-50s is still below pre-pandemic levels. Yet Tory ministers have no solutions to get people back to work. This is no better illustrated than a local report this week from a nearby town where I spent my childhood.
Furthermore, Prof. Antony Davies says, "Vox is Wrong - America Doesn’t Need Inflation." Vox recently posted a video explaining how inflation works and why some people want inflation to rise in the US. "However, they are not telling the whole story, so we had to set the record straight. We invited our good friend, professor Antony Davies, to explain what inflation is and how that affects the lives of everyone." He talks about how inflation erodes people's purchasing power, the role of politicians, and what people can do to protect themselves against inflation.
SURVIVAL MONITOR: Is your motor vehicle CONNECTED?
Andrea Amico, the founder of Privacy4Cars, says people understand very little about what data their cars can collect as there is little education and “the level of detail and transparency varies” across manufacturers. His tool ranks most modern vehicles as “smartphones on wheels,” as they collect heaps of data and send it to manufacturers and probably Google et al too.
Using industry sales data, WIRED ran 10 of the most popular cars in the US through the privacy tool to see just how much information they can collect. Spoiler: It’s a lot. The analysis follows previous reporting on the amount of data modern cars can collect and share with estimates saying cars can produce 25 gigabytes of data per hour!
It really is an ‘Information War’ and you can guess what governments will do with all that data about you; perhaps limiting where and how far you can drive? Think ‘15-minute cities’, maybe using a pay-per-mile system, acting as a deterrent for unnecessary uses of cars of all types. This would reduce peak traffic with penalty pricing to limit or even remove rush hours.
"Trannies" meant something else in my day, but now we have the 'Trans Ideology' which is yet another silent tactical weapon in WW3 battlespace. Helen Joyce has caused a lot of trouble in her conversation with Jordan Peterson. She is guilty of believing there are only two sexes and saying it out loud.
Helen, an Irish journalist, bestselling author, and director of advocacy at 'Sex Matters', spoke to Peter Boghossian about the differences between men and women. They are a matter of consequence regarding women’s privacy, vulnerability, and physical competition. Helen needs all our support. Censored video of Helen & Jordan Peterson: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OdJ... Twitter: https://twitter.com/HJoyceGender Sex Matters.
NEXT Letter from Great Britain – Saturday, September 2, 2023
My Book: “The Financial Jigsaw” Parts 1 & 2 Scroll: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020 including regular updates.
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On our Constitution. We do have a written Constitution, sort of, as I understand, it's just that it is spread over many documents. Alfred started it with his law code, c893 from which stems our Common Law.
However, our modern Constitution is made up of what is left of Magna Carta 1215, or those bits not traunced all over by PM Blair.
Apart from Cromwell's 'Instrument of Government', a written Constitution that existed briefly in the 17th Century, we have the Bill of Rights 1689, Acts of Union 1707 and 1800, Act of Settlement 1701, Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, Human Rights Act 1998, Scotland Act, Northern Ireland Act and Government of Wales Act 1998, to mention some of the leading statutes, conventions, judicial decisions, and treaties.
I suppose you could argue that it's success is that it is a living document, not requiring amendment by Constitutional Conventions and the like but its failure is that it can be ignored by those in charge, because it is so poorly known.
Watching YouTube of the battles to-and-fro suggests our immersion in a sea of propaganda. I check out https://www.youtube.com/@RFU and https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov. I did watch https://www.youtube.com/@freerussia1. Did anybody observe that the audio seems generated?
I see staggering numbers of dead but a very real difference in morale. Ukraine is fighting for home and momma, Russians for money and because they must. For the moment it remain low level combat, mostly ground based with Ukraine greatly hampered by minimal air support. Russians have seemingly endless stockpiles of weapons and an obvious attempt to destroy all they can - if you won't give up, I will destroy you. The US is somewhat torn as most of the EU but do fear future Russian expansion. Nobody but Putin knows what he plans to do.
I had really thought Russia would stop this in the summer. It appears not to be. I dread what might lie ahead as "volunteers" arrive to supplement attrited troops. But appeasement led to the success of the Russian revolution, WW1, WW2 - a lesson that still gives pause.
So the grind of Russian is winning or Ukraine is winning, along with various moral and economy questions - propaganda. In the end there will be losers on both sides and a lot of work ahead fr already overextended economies. The world economic suffering ahead won't be pretty. Somehow I can't believe China is happy about fewer customers to fund their military ambitions.