It is contended that the Bible presents a graphic and true-to-life account of the nation of Israel from its birth onward which has been reconciled with the New Egyptian Chronology
Friend, this video of Graham Hancok and Mauro Biglino really open the mind to another great revelation of our times, We are indoctrinated in how many lies ??.
Brilliant Robinson and good to hear from you. I am in Cape Town now after many months of settling in. Thanks for the link.
I am working with an SA energy company who are about to launch a 'Proof of Concept' shortly and I will send you details as soon as I have completed the business model. Lots going on in SA - all good things. Stay in touch and prayers for you. How is your project progressing?
I have no phone connection here - off-grid, but we can use Skype. My address: peter_39400
You can always send a message - much better than telecomms.
Many Christians would certainly be very saddened if a new, oldest manuscript of one of the Gospels were to be found with the words "A Comedy" written at the beginning.
LOL - a lovely thought Charly. Christians must always retain a sense of humour! As Jesus said, “each day has enough of its own troubles.” (Matt. 6:34). A positive outlook and a sense of humour also helped.
After years of research (I am 80 this year) I have settled on being a 'Jesus-centered Deist' which means I believe in a Creator and also follow Jesus' teachings as my moral code.
Yes, Ken - I was taught that the female is a delicate flower to be nurtured and loved. But feminism destroyed all that and now these delicate petals have been taught to compete with a supreme male, with the strength of a lion, and the contest has only one outcome!
It's worth reading: "Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets.
Based on years of successful counselling of couples and individuals, "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this timeless book has helped men and women realise how different they can be in their communication styles, their emotional needs, and their modes of behaviour, and offers the secrets of communicating without conflicts, allowing couples to give intimacy every chance to grow.
In what ways are women equal to men? In saying that the woman is “a weaker vessel,” Peter did not mean that women are weaker than men intellectually or spiritually. True, many Christian men have privileges in the congregation that women do not expect to have, and in the family, women are subject to their husbands. [1 Corinthians 14:35; and 1 Timothy 2:12]
We each have our roles, men and women, equal but different. bringing all good things to the family as a whole.
LOL - Yes Sirius, vigilance is required together with critical thinking, but I often fall into traps too! A reader has recommended Ben Davidson - it's an unending trail but it helps to keep my sanity during my twilight years! :-)
Yes, indeed Sirius. A few years ago in the UK a neighbour, a South African, was a convinced Flat-Earther and presented so much 'evidence' that I questioned my sanity! He also quoted much about the Gnostic Gospels and had genuine beliefs in his inner 'World Map'.
‘Why is there no record of ancient humans?’ You may want to check out the 6,000 year so called catastrophe cycle that Earth goes through when the electromagnetic poles shift. Evidence of huge floods (the last named ‘China’ cycle is also known as the Noah event) volcanic and tectonic activity have been found going back 10s of thousands of years. Guess what? We are long overdue another one and the poles are shifting...Ben Davidson’s Suspicious Observers site on YT is worth following.
P&S - I'm not so sure about this timeline - it will take some studying. Does it even matter the timing of everything? What matter to me most is the present and my family and my neighbors and the children today and of the future.
So, as an aside, I have been changing my subscriptions to many SubStack sites from long-term to short-term and I've noticed now that the refunds are being sent properly - whereas before that was not the case. That is how I feel about the "equity - or financial instrument" goes by the call letters RSX - issued by VanEck funds - it was invested in Russian economy - (deleted) - I know what I had is worth way more now - it was stolen from me and my family. That don't sit well with me - tis foreboding and telling - but some us know the risks and we plan in advance. I have planned in advance - I'm ready for WAR.
So - sure - I'm curious about the past, but I care about the present and I am worried about the future if there are thieves about stealing what is not theirs evidently. Moreover - stealing is on the tablet of the Commandments bought down the hill by Moses - if memory serves.
Some bow down to children - I know I do - others it seems could care less about the kids - that is most telling.
The past is a clue to the future, Ken because I do believe in cicles because the universe appears to have been designed this way IMHO. For me 'precession' of the earth is a major issue:
And our children are the golden future : "He put them in a beautiful earthly paradise home, the garden of Eden, and told them to have children." This is not just a story or a myth, for Jesus showed that what Genesis says about the start of family life is true. [Matthew 19: 4-5]
I concur with what you say about the past being a clue to the future - but interpretation of the past does inherently introduce "bias" - there is nothing at all wrong with that cause "how else could it be" - that is why PRINCIPLE is my view. Anyhow, I may have shared this video before - hopefully I can find it - your link on "precession" made me think of pretty cool.
Only some of the Scripture follows a formal timeline chronology. There is much repeated and also stated in different prospective. There's much that isn't said and can't be said in great specific detail because of the dEvil family's constant efforts to stifle HIS Plan to save as many rather than BLOT them out forever.
Very few will read any of it. Even fewer will read it enough to get what is said above. Things are what they are and will be as they MUST be. That said, THE text at its core is an extremely brief summary about THE Anointed ONE, HIS family (DNA) line (all the begetting purpose), and the other peoples (DNAs) that the Adamic family line encountered, through the promises made, up to promise completed, spreading the GODspel, then the last days of humankind, the transition pains, and a peek at what comes afterwards. Mixed into that multi millennial brief summary are HIS Rules for a GOoD life, how to treat both the GOoD and the dEvil, and the prophecies so hesitant would be believers can investigate and have more than blind faith. There is ONE thread that stitches all together through the canonized collection from Genesis to Revelations. And, if one does not understand RIGHTLY what is BEING said in Genesis then one cannot understand Revelations and visa versa. For those that attend churches (in these days) Christ's WORDS / messages "to the churches" in Rev. 2 and 3 are very pertinent. One may wonder why so few churches spend any time teaching the truth of those, except for the fact that only 2 churches of the seven church types were found worthy. "To those that have an ear, listen to what the spirit says to the churches!" Remember: humankind society conditions mirror soul conditions - family, church, nation.
In my life time, I've seen many discoveries made that have shown that the biblical timescale is correct, that is where the bible pronounces on such things. EG: The discovery of a stone about a then unknown Pharaoh showed that the succession in the bible account was correct.
I remember talking to an archaeologist in the British Museum who mapped out a lost temple. When his colleagues found one cornerstone, he just walked in one direction, for a number of yards, and stated that the next corner could be found under his feet, and it was. When they asked how he knew this, he said that the dimensions were stated in the bible. They were amazed.
However, as we know, those who don't want to acknowledge biblical truth, will never be convinced.
As Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) said:
"Convince a man against his will, He's of the same opinion still."
Knowing now, how the media, experts and governments have behaved,lied and colluded over the last four years, has opened my eyes to the likelihood that they've done the same for at least the last century.*
They have probably done it for millennia.
Consequently, I am unable to believe anything that has been writtten about history, as it is always steered, twisted and corrupted by those with an agenda.
I wonder how future historians will view these last few years?
Will they be fully on board with the official global narrative?
It ain't easy to find historians objective and worth their salt, but at the end of the day -
the truth prevails.
Always - if it didn't it wouldn't be the truth - ya know...
Evil Harry!
ps - in this "edit" that is premised on the principle that there is truth inviolate - and so these post-modernist can basically.....well, they got some hard lessons coming. Cause let me ask you this - how many fingers is on the human hand? Of course, there are exceptions to this, but please - in general - how many fingers are on the human hand and lets just count the thumb as one of them - how many? How many hands do humans have? How many. OK - how many fingers in total please. Can you answer that? It is the truth evident.
Friend, this video of Graham Hancok and Mauro Biglino really open the mind to another great revelation of our times, We are indoctrinated in how many lies ??.
Brilliant Robinson and good to hear from you. I am in Cape Town now after many months of settling in. Thanks for the link.
I am working with an SA energy company who are about to launch a 'Proof of Concept' shortly and I will send you details as soon as I have completed the business model. Lots going on in SA - all good things. Stay in touch and prayers for you. How is your project progressing?
I have no phone connection here - off-grid, but we can use Skype. My address: peter_39400
You can always send a message - much better than telecomms.
Many Christians would certainly be very saddened if a new, oldest manuscript of one of the Gospels were to be found with the words "A Comedy" written at the beginning.
A comedy - just as a tragedy - both in literature have lessons to teach - the best written words often encompass a bit of both.
That is my opinion and if "she" wants to be protected, then she ought know - tis a 2-way street...
LOL - a lovely thought Charly. Christians must always retain a sense of humour! As Jesus said, “each day has enough of its own troubles.” (Matt. 6:34). A positive outlook and a sense of humour also helped.
After years of research (I am 80 this year) I have settled on being a 'Jesus-centered Deist' which means I believe in a Creator and also follow Jesus' teachings as my moral code.
Gott, manche sagen auch, der Schöpfer, hat doch den Menschen nicht dazu
erschaffen, dass er ihn ständig am Gängelband wie eine Marionette durch das
Leben führt, und auch deswegen nicht, dass der, der immer brav, gehorsam und
gottesfürchtig ist, es im Leben gut hat, während der, der von Gott nichts
wissen will, ihn gar ablehnt, dafür hart bestraft wird.
Das sind Ammenmärchen und Lügen der Kirchen und Religionen, die damit
bestens ihre profitablen Geschäfte machen. Zahllose streng gläubige und
gottesfürchtige Menschen sind sogar in Kirchen und Moscheen, durch Erdbeben,
Terror, Kriege, Pandemie und sonstige Ereignisse ums Leben gekommen.
Kein Gott hat sie beschützt
This is the sort of "service" I like to provide - assuming the text above is German - here is the translation:
God, some also say the Creator, doesn't have humans to do this
created that he is constantly stringing him along like a puppet
life, and that's not why he who is always good, obedient and
who fears God has a good life, while he who has nothing of God
wants to know, even rejects him, and is punished severely for it.
These are old wives' tales and lies from the churches and religions that come with it
to do their profitable business. Countless devout believers and
God-fearing people are even in churches and mosques, through earthquakes,
Terror, wars, pandemics and other events have killed people.
No god protected her
Thanks Ken - yes I understood but I am at sea to understand the point. Perhaps Charly might elucidate?
perhaps - but sometimes the ladies think they suffer so much - they turn themselves into victims in their minds and that is most unbecoming.
Yes, Ken - I was taught that the female is a delicate flower to be nurtured and loved. But feminism destroyed all that and now these delicate petals have been taught to compete with a supreme male, with the strength of a lion, and the contest has only one outcome!
It's worth reading: "Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets.
Based on years of successful counselling of couples and individuals, "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this timeless book has helped men and women realise how different they can be in their communication styles, their emotional needs, and their modes of behaviour, and offers the secrets of communicating without conflicts, allowing couples to give intimacy every chance to grow.
In what ways are women equal to men? In saying that the woman is “a weaker vessel,” Peter did not mean that women are weaker than men intellectually or spiritually. True, many Christian men have privileges in the congregation that women do not expect to have, and in the family, women are subject to their husbands. [1 Corinthians 14:35; and 1 Timothy 2:12]
We each have our roles, men and women, equal but different. bringing all good things to the family as a whole.
Hey AP, interesting post, thanks for including my stack - I have seen it only now.
I find it interesting how these guys chose to name their work exactly as A.T.Fomenko's.
Randall Carlson? I avoid anyone who pushes Alien deception..
Recently I learned that Z.Sitchin was a "con-artist" - and the story about Aliens who come here and experiment on humans comes from him.
Also, Ben Davidson feels like a Jesuit to me?! His computer model of the Sun sure makes him look legit.
Hmmmm, where have I already heard this type of stuff "scamming people based on computer models" hmmmm?
Hah ;)
LOL - Yes Sirius, vigilance is required together with critical thinking, but I often fall into traps too! A reader has recommended Ben Davidson - it's an unending trail but it helps to keep my sanity during my twilight years! :-)
Me too AP. I followed Davidson work through entire 2020.. And I decide he was a fearmonger.. much before I fell down the flat earth hole!
Btw, M.Biglino seems like one as well...
Yes, indeed Sirius. A few years ago in the UK a neighbour, a South African, was a convinced Flat-Earther and presented so much 'evidence' that I questioned my sanity! He also quoted much about the Gnostic Gospels and had genuine beliefs in his inner 'World Map'.
I researched this ridiculous proposition and presented my findings to him in due course. He rejected all my findings - a classic 'cognitive dissonance'! But it was fun at the time:
‘Why is there no record of ancient humans?’ You may want to check out the 6,000 year so called catastrophe cycle that Earth goes through when the electromagnetic poles shift. Evidence of huge floods (the last named ‘China’ cycle is also known as the Noah event) volcanic and tectonic activity have been found going back 10s of thousands of years. Guess what? We are long overdue another one and the poles are shifting...Ben Davidson’s Suspicious Observers site on YT is worth following.
Thanks Iain, I agree and many of those who should know agree too - I will check out Ben's site.
P&S - I'm not so sure about this timeline - it will take some studying. Does it even matter the timing of everything? What matter to me most is the present and my family and my neighbors and the children today and of the future.
So, as an aside, I have been changing my subscriptions to many SubStack sites from long-term to short-term and I've noticed now that the refunds are being sent properly - whereas before that was not the case. That is how I feel about the "equity - or financial instrument" goes by the call letters RSX - issued by VanEck funds - it was invested in Russian economy - (deleted) - I know what I had is worth way more now - it was stolen from me and my family. That don't sit well with me - tis foreboding and telling - but some us know the risks and we plan in advance. I have planned in advance - I'm ready for WAR.
So - sure - I'm curious about the past, but I care about the present and I am worried about the future if there are thieves about stealing what is not theirs evidently. Moreover - stealing is on the tablet of the Commandments bought down the hill by Moses - if memory serves.
Some bow down to children - I know I do - others it seems could care less about the kids - that is most telling.
The past is a clue to the future, Ken because I do believe in cicles because the universe appears to have been designed this way IMHO. For me 'precession' of the earth is a major issue:
And our children are the golden future : "He put them in a beautiful earthly paradise home, the garden of Eden, and told them to have children." This is not just a story or a myth, for Jesus showed that what Genesis says about the start of family life is true. [Matthew 19: 4-5]
I concur with what you say about the past being a clue to the future - but interpretation of the past does inherently introduce "bias" - there is nothing at all wrong with that cause "how else could it be" - that is why PRINCIPLE is my view. Anyhow, I may have shared this video before - hopefully I can find it - your link on "precession" made me think of pretty cool.
Thanks Ken, this is a brilliant video - much obliged - well found Sir!
Only some of the Scripture follows a formal timeline chronology. There is much repeated and also stated in different prospective. There's much that isn't said and can't be said in great specific detail because of the dEvil family's constant efforts to stifle HIS Plan to save as many rather than BLOT them out forever.
Very few will read any of it. Even fewer will read it enough to get what is said above. Things are what they are and will be as they MUST be. That said, THE text at its core is an extremely brief summary about THE Anointed ONE, HIS family (DNA) line (all the begetting purpose), and the other peoples (DNAs) that the Adamic family line encountered, through the promises made, up to promise completed, spreading the GODspel, then the last days of humankind, the transition pains, and a peek at what comes afterwards. Mixed into that multi millennial brief summary are HIS Rules for a GOoD life, how to treat both the GOoD and the dEvil, and the prophecies so hesitant would be believers can investigate and have more than blind faith. There is ONE thread that stitches all together through the canonized collection from Genesis to Revelations. And, if one does not understand RIGHTLY what is BEING said in Genesis then one cannot understand Revelations and visa versa. For those that attend churches (in these days) Christ's WORDS / messages "to the churches" in Rev. 2 and 3 are very pertinent. One may wonder why so few churches spend any time teaching the truth of those, except for the fact that only 2 churches of the seven church types were found worthy. "To those that have an ear, listen to what the spirit says to the churches!" Remember: humankind society conditions mirror soul conditions - family, church, nation.
What do you see, hear, truly know?
Excellent Darius, thank you for this perceptive contribution. I hope others might gain some belief in the reality of our Creator's world.
With you Brother!
In my life time, I've seen many discoveries made that have shown that the biblical timescale is correct, that is where the bible pronounces on such things. EG: The discovery of a stone about a then unknown Pharaoh showed that the succession in the bible account was correct.
I remember talking to an archaeologist in the British Museum who mapped out a lost temple. When his colleagues found one cornerstone, he just walked in one direction, for a number of yards, and stated that the next corner could be found under his feet, and it was. When they asked how he knew this, he said that the dimensions were stated in the bible. They were amazed.
However, as we know, those who don't want to acknowledge biblical truth, will never be convinced.
As Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) said:
"Convince a man against his will, He's of the same opinion still."
Knowing now, how the media, experts and governments have behaved,lied and colluded over the last four years, has opened my eyes to the likelihood that they've done the same for at least the last century.*
They have probably done it for millennia.
Consequently, I am unable to believe anything that has been writtten about history, as it is always steered, twisted and corrupted by those with an agenda.
I wonder how future historians will view these last few years?
Will they be fully on board with the official global narrative?
It ain't easy to find historians objective and worth their salt, but at the end of the day -
the truth prevails.
Always - if it didn't it wouldn't be the truth - ya know...
Evil Harry!
ps - in this "edit" that is premised on the principle that there is truth inviolate - and so these post-modernist can basically.....well, they got some hard lessons coming. Cause let me ask you this - how many fingers is on the human hand? Of course, there are exceptions to this, but please - in general - how many fingers are on the human hand and lets just count the thumb as one of them - how many? How many hands do humans have? How many. OK - how many fingers in total please. Can you answer that? It is the truth evident.
With respect to the final query I hope the answer is a resounding NO
Seriously Evil Harry - historically the "victors" have the narrative - so seriously -
the answer ought be NO.