Quite a summation of where we are and what is coming. They want their cut of every transaction that is made, as if they aren't rich enough now. The ability to punish political opponents is another motive that is playing out here too. It is a multi pronged front. Our defense must be the same, look for work arounds and stay local.

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Bravo Bert - keep sending the message!

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocols of Zion: Protocol II – Economic Wars

❝The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning and genius who will be their advisers, specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.❞


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Yes, they learned through the UN's failed attempt to introduce a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) that a cut of every transaction is the way to even greater riches. It will start tiny at first, to establish the principle, and will then be gradually increased.

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So true Greg - as always - slowly, slowly catchy monkey. These criminals are experts at getting what the want - and their wants are massive and unfulfilled at any level.

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You can bet that those with a bad social credit score will be taxed even more. It all ties in together.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 23 – Instilling Obedience

❝That the peoples may become accustomed to obedience it is necessary to inculcate lessons of humility and therefore to reduce the production of articles of luxury. By this we shall improve morals which have been debased by emulation in the sphere of luxury.❞


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❝To-day we shall touch upon the financial program, which I put off to the end of my report as being the most difficult, the crowning and the decisive point of our plans. Before entering upon it I will remind you that I have already spoken before by way of a hint when I said that the sum total of our actions is settled by the question of figures.❞


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So many subjects again, Peter, but maybe the most important is Digital ID and the Banksters' involvement. Thanks for the link to gov.uk's "Guidance - Enabling the use of digital identities in the UK". That was a surprise to me, that it had moved so far down the road.

Don't be shocked, but I'm in favour of ID Cards, with bar codes but am very aware that they could be a step towards bio-metric ID cards and Digital IDs. That must be fought against. With the current huge invasion of battalions of young men of fighting age, from an alien culture, in their German blow up dinghies powered by Chinese outboards, ID Cards are essential. As I'm ex-military, I'm used to ID Cards.

In Virginia USA, the driving licence is used as an iD card. If you cannot drive you can get a 'non-driving' Driving Licence, which is just the same, but printed in portrait rather than in landscape mode. I found mine very useful. Again, there is no bio-metric detail.

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Yes, ID's per se are good Greg but it's where it's going that is the problem. It is yet another arm of the control mechanism.

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In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/i/135302021/in-the-shadow-of-war-ukraine-as-the-great-reset-laboratory-of-the-global-tech-elite

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Nice, thanks Bert - I always say watch the timings and ask - "Why now?" as well as following the money.

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You are welcome and correct about both things to watch closely.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 8 – Provisional Government . . . (Re: Legal Judgements against Alex Jones & Donald Trump)

❝We must search out in the very finest shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judgments that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust…❞


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Surprising but then when I think about it a bit more, not so surprising.

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❝CRIMINALS WITH US WILL BE ARRESTED AT THE FIRST, more or less, well-grounded SUSPICION: it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a possible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons suspected of a political lapse of crime, for in these matters we shall be literally merciless.❞


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In addition to my garden ambitions, I have basically decided to expose those who voted 21-0. You know it takes fearlessness to post what you post above and wisdom. I respect it. Here is a link to my 2nd short story:


With respect to you and if assistance on "Plan B" is needed - you know I'll do whatever I can from afar.

Peace is easy,


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Your kind words are a real comfort for me Ken, thank you so very much. I will indeed need 'support from afar' and will keep you closely informed - we are indeed entering the lion's den (but I love a challenge). My angels are close by and I have your email tucked away for a 'Red Six' call when the SHTF (quite likely) given what went down in SA last week: https://notthebee.com/article/white-south-african-farmers-throat-slit-by-4-black-teens-days-after-90000-people-gathered-in-a-stadium-to-chant-about-killing-white-farmers

In the meantime, be advised Ken that a defence is available from my Afrikaner friends of old and they don't take shit - a bit like Texans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKjoWRTtAWI

I am peaceable until threatened but us quiet gardeners need to stick together! Ha Ha. I love your wolf and will comment on your site.



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NATO – an anti-white and anti-family institution . . .

After the apocalypse of 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the war alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military wing of globalism.

In addition to ensuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning against the influence of nationalism.

In 2023, the war alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the alliance's leaders pledged to fight "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.

In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be reshaped to be "inclusive," in other words, restructured to be more anti-white, and consist of fewer white employees and executives.


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All agreed CWS - an excellent summary, thank you:


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We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now . . .

❝The entire right side of the conservative political punditry are pretending they have no idea what is happening in the 2024 election, as if they are still pretending Ron DeSantis was on a “book tour.” Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, National Review, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ruben, The Blaze, The Daily Wire, TownHall, The Washington Free Beacon, Clay Travis, Western Journal, Newsmax, Buck Sexton, Legal Insurrection, the entire network of right-side alternative media, all of them, acting as ushers toward a grand pretending performance that is built around bulls**t.

When the internet shadow-banning system is triggered later this year, all of the above will remain visible and supported by the regime. Remember that; these outlets/voices are deemed not a threat to ‘national security.’ Only the non-pretending outlets, platforms and voices are going to be targeted. More on that later.❞


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Great link, CWS, many thanks. And did to clock this one?


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Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . . March 25, 2022/by Tobias Langdon

“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.


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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .

❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞


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Sounds like usury to me.

Usury is foul indeed.

Usurious ones are in need of comeuppance.

Time for some jubilee - scheduled or not and after that how bout some barter instead of usury?


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Preview Ken - this IS usury for sure - 6 mins of your time - it's in my Letter leader this week. People need to understand the history of legal deception:


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I'm watching it now (your link above) as I listen to the music - I think I may have seen this already....I've seen something similar - maybe I'll post a link to that....but for now, I think I'm just going to listen to the music of Led Zeppelin...brings back memories no doubt.

Oh why not, let me post this link for consideration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8

Not sure that will work or not, but it comes from my registered site as follows:

www.carbon-tax.net \

(sorry - I typed it wrong and I'm not sure this is correct, but let me try again)



Both sites has been registered for many years.



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Hey Ken - that video is brilliant and helps my case for a local community based on cooperation. I can use this my good friend, thank you very much:

"Horizontal Government - The Conscious Solution to End Corruption in 2021"

WOW it's so simple!

Yes and your comments worked well too - I shall read tomorrow Ken - off for supper now - 2215!

Great stuff my friend.



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I'll do it - I'll check it out - for the month of August I've decided to forgo my personal boycott of youtube - so, I'll check it out and August is the month of Gusto, I hope your beans are progressing as desired for the September "tasting party in my mind I reckon" and here is the music I'm listening to presently.......gollum's name comes up.....ha, ha.

You know I got my story to tell at my place and I got my way for telling stories and I know this - there is no love stronger than the love of family.

Blessings to you P&S

Peace from me and my family to you and your family.



the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOK0FG0ejqA

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Ah Led Zeppelin - you speak my language Ken, in music and the magical messages that come from this amazing art-form. Even as it's used in battle too; encouraging the soldiers to find that hidden courage which is a victory over our natural fear to run away - as some did of course - but they are without blame IMHO.

And yes the beans are doing well now and my radish has emerged, looking bright and healthy, at last after just 10 days. I am blessed by the Great One and I am humbled to know his mercy.

Thank you for your kind words Ken - I am privileged to know you from afar.

Blessings to you and all your family and especially your dad.


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You are too kind and I will receive the blessing for my Dad in his absence. God rest his soul. He had a lot on his plate, but he had a sense of humor - navy style - and he was fun to be around unless you pissed him off!\

(ha, ha).

Love you Dad!


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I read the first report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in ~1990 and was surprised. I then read the complaints of the contributing scientists, that their submissions had been altered to fit some political agenda. Namely, where they said that the evidence for AGW was minimal, this was removed. Over the years I read the IPCC reports and saw greater and greater political manipulation. But that's the UN for you.

I then read "Northern hemisphere temperatures during the past millennium: Inferences, uncertainties, and limitations" by Michael Mann, Bradley, and Hughes (1999) otherwise known as the Hockey Stick paper, It was difficult to read as, IMO, it is very badly written. I couldn't see how they reached their conclusions but then McIntyre & McKitrick destroyed any credence that the paper might have had, through great but dogged investigation.

When the climate terrorists realised that others had worked out that CO2 was not a greenhouse gas, in the normal definition of a greenhouse gas, Yale University released a paper on 'Climate Forcing' (link no longer works). Once again, an appalling paper that in no way supported its Summary and Conclusions, which were clearly written by some one completely different; someone with clear political motives.

None of this seems to stop the brainwashing by the MSM especially the Biased Broadcasting Corporation. However, I expect you know all this.

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Thanks Greg - I didn't know all this because I disregarded climate PsyOp a long time ago. You know the real science as do I - it is an obvious PsyOp if ever there was one but the masses have no idea - their educational level is so low that they have no way of discerning the rights and wrongs - by design.

Hype is the current cult and drives all this nonsense because the Globalists want everything under their control 100%. They will be sorely disappointed IMHO. GB News offers a forum to discuss all this, but Ofcom are after them even now: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/news-centre/2023/ofcom-opens-four-new-due-impartiality-investigations-into-gb-news

They hid behind the 'rules' which the globalist Banksters set according to their agenda. The real culprits are all in the Big Club! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso

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Yes, everything has to be hyped, giving almost no one time to think! Panic, panic, the world's on fire .. oh sorry, got carried away, MSM style.

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LOL Greg - when the people are panicking the controllers win every time. The secret is to keep your head while all about you others are losing theirs. That way you have probably misjudged the situation! But never mind - the unseen minority are ALWAYS right!

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