Apr 10Liked by Protect & Survive

There is an unwritten assumption in your piece that CO2 and global warming are linked. When the first IPCC Assessment report was published, the contributors were horrified that their submissions had been altered or edited so that the scientists' comments that man made CO2 contributed only a tiny amount to global warming, had been taken out. The IPCC had been hijacked for political purposes, right at its inception.

If you fill a jar with 100% CO2 and shine electro-magnetic radiation through it at various frequencies, you will find that the CO2 blocks it in a very very narrow band of EMF, and that is at 100%. At our 0.04%, the effect is negligible. Realising this, Yale University came up with a theory of so called climate forcing, ie CO2 has other effects on the atmosphere ‘forcing’ climate change. The Introduction, Summary and Conclusions to this paper make for scary reading, but for those who actually bothered to read the paper (I did), the paper in no way supported the Summary and Conclusions, and was withdrawn soon after.

Then there’s the University of East Anglia emails, the so called Hockey stick paper all of which I read, that just demonstrate what is going on. It is nothing less than a power play to control “The Masses”. .. and on and on. Don’t be taken in.

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We got to "save the planet" metaphorically ourselves P&S - that is what I think.

Let me share this please:


I was in totality yesterday and while perhaps I am not a "changed man" - I am even more determined and resolute.

Your friend,


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Apr 9·edited Apr 9Liked by Protect & Survive

Dear people, we can debate and speculate. Does everybody at least once in their life, for at least a passing moment ask "why I am here?" or "What is all this life?" or "Is this all real and not some dream?"

What effort will you take to answer those questions? Truth is, and Reality is; One is not without the other.

To navigate this human age life one needs to understand the what, the why, and the how it all is.

Not long from now that will be known for all. So you can wait for it unknowingly or get to knowing.

There's no political solution as Sting correctly sang. Never was meant to be one for the human age. There is no human salvation. No human planetary salvation either. THE Plan is Reality/Truth. ONWARD!

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"I call for small gardens, fewer rules, and Justified Retribution. Peace is easy and goodwill is contagious."

It's a wonderful quote Ken - says it all! And so glad that you were able to experience the full eclipse. It reminds me of the immense power of nature and the cycles of history. Gaia is indestructible and man's arrogance is boundless.

Accountants know the price of everything but the value of nothing as a wise sage observed.


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