Dec 27, 2022Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

 Transhumanist Neo-Feudalism (Fascism) in Action

“Let's be clear,

the future is not just happening;

the future is built by us,

a powerful community here in this room.

We (Ubermensch) have the means to impose the state of the world”

-- Clown Schwab, Davos 2022.


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Thanks N - you make the point well. But I do believe these idiots have no understanding of basic human nature. Their problem is their need for compliance - and they aren't going to get it; we don't need them - but they need us! https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-24-learn-to-live-without-electricity-from-amish.html

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

My frustration is that more than 80% of the population still doesn't understand the bigger picture.

They're not curious [key!], they haven't learned anything new since the 2020 scamdemic or the 2021 Safe & Effective bio-weapons injections.

Some are still calling these injectable bio-weapons "Vaccines"...

They'll be surprised again by the Davosian cult.

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I share your frustration N, it hurts me every time I hear of an unnecessary death/injury. It is all so obvious to us, but I have no idea why the 80% are so blind, even some in my own family.

I can only put it down to cognitive dissonance - that subtle mindset that choses to reject anything that contradicts their world map - because it will destabilise their belief structure and undermine their very reason for living. To turn this upside down requires a great deal of self-searching and often facing one's Maker and this is a frightening confrontation.

This is something I have come across in my counselling work over many years. The finest counter I have found is this little book which I have used successfully with many of my clients: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Letting-Fear-Gerald-Jampolsky/dp/158761118X

Our society has been traumatised by the aftermath of the lockdowns and the HMG PsyOp operations hyper-generating fear levels never before witnessed. We are living through a catastrophic episode in the history of mankind as destabilising to society as the great plagues of the 14th century.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

FJB! Installed moron who still thinks he is VP.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

<i>"Indeed, a few countries, such as India and Sri Lanka, have broken the historical convention by heading straight to services without developing a significant manufacturing sector at all."</i> However, by thinking that agriculture is unimportant, and that farmers can be forced to obey some sort of Net Zero (Net Stupid?) initiative, the people nearly starved. I hope (forlornly) that our politicians are neither so inept or so stupid. Oh wait ...

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'Wait' indeed Greg - I don't agree with BOOM on this point and it is a bone of contention between us. I contend that services consume as much, if not more than the net energy required for the production of goods.

The politicians are puppets in the hands of the Banksters IMHO and the Truss experiment confirmed it for me. So what to do about it? As you know, I promote local economies, this is moving away from their centralised control. How can we live without electricity? Good question, and the Amish offer a solution:


We have to think outside the box - we are never going back to the old normal but we can move forward to a new, prosperous economic model which will deliver not only a sustainable lifestyle but a much more rewarding one too.

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