Thanks for that info on Xavier Becerra. Yes, I thought Biden was supposed to be in charge, as well, over there. The globalists seem to be exploring every tool/"crisis" to move towards the great reset. What will the ~116 billionaires think up for us this week, at Davos and how long will it take for those in the Westminster bubble to comply?

As for Yemen, so sad, but, as with the continuing slaughters by the Myanmar Army, in the north of the country, the MSM has moved on - "Nothing to see here"!

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I am covering Davos on Saturday Greg, and the good news is that they are losing the narrative and Schwab is depressed. They have altered their mantra to 'A New System' and dropped the Great Reset, Build-Back-Better, and 4th Industrial Revolution - no mention of it at all - they are losing now IMHO.


Yes, Yemen is so sad and MSM miss all the other failed nations like Haiti, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Venezuela - it goes on with 10s of African countries like Somalia and Sudan (too many to list).


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Had you asked me to rank countries by FSI, I'd have put Mexico first, the EU second, then the US before even thinking about any other country!

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I can't disagree with your choice here 'N'

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4th Industrial Revolution was pretty much "sponsored by Russia".

Russia is supposed to be under fucking sanctions from the UK yet Sunak's wife's family business InfoSys is still operating there and generating income.

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InfoSys is an Indian multinational company and India is part of BRICS.

There is nothing the UK can do about it!

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I know it is a Indian company band I know you speak (type) sense but it still annoys me.

I am an irrationally angry that the UK is fucked and life itself is pretty much unaffordable for so many people cos "Ukraine" (even though we know that is not the cause of all these ridiculous energy prices) and it grates on my nerves that the richest woman in Britain still gets her cut of money made in Russia.

I know this is not rational to think like this but yet I still do.


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I perfectly understand you. You're are still believing that the government is supposed to be accountable to the people in a "democracy". Unfortunately, that's long gone and will never come back without a people's revolution. That's why Clown Schwab has organized a Global Coup d'Etat to take over the planet. Find below what he said last year at Davos:

“Let's be clear,

the future is not just happening; the future is built by us,

a powerful community here in this room.

We have the means to impose the state of the world” - Clown Schwab, Davos 2022.

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Thing is I know that the UK Government has been about protecting their own sort of people (ie not 99% of us mere plebs) since at least 1979 and maybe before that.

This is what makes my anger above so fucking ridiculous, I was being ridiculous and temper-tantruming at you and I know that was ridiculous of me.

I do apologise for my behaviour and I will refrain from such outbursts at you in the future.

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They do have minor representation PC but as a massive multinational their main focus is India/China where it's a test-bed for social credit systems:



Russia Moscow

Kulakov lane 9 bld. 1

Moscow 129626

Phone +7 495 956 6003

Fax +7 495 956 7549

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The MSM is not doing charity work. They're paid for specific agendas, and it has ALWAYS been the case. In 1991, CNN faked a video showing Saddam killing babies in a Baghdad hospital and I destroyed my TV. I never looked back!

In 2021 Bidensky's budget for Perceptions Management voted by the US congress was $1billion and this year's budget allocated $1.2 billion. That's the money the US government pays to Reuters, Associated Press, WaPo, NYT, CNN, FoxNew, etc... for the entire year for government sponsored propaganda.

The above amount does NOT include the propaganda money spent by the CIA and the other 16 security agencies that have their own budget!!!

Any information you get from a US MSM is more than 80% fake. When I destroyed my TV 30 years ago I was called conspiracy theorist. Today, many people start realizing that all is fake around them.

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So true 'N' - people are beginning to wake up and the loss of momentum at Davos is a sure indicator. I know you know all this but it's worth reviewing from time to time IMHO: https://www.intelligence101.com/psyops-the-ultimate-guide-to-psychological-operations-psyops/

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I don't wish to be rude but Biden isn't even in charge of Biden.

Also "The Great Reset" is a Schwab / Charley-Boy enterprise.

(I will not describe that jug-eared twat as the "k**g" word ever)

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You're just objective. Period.

Bidensky cannot even read a teleprompter.

A zombie has the code of nuclear weapons in a country where reason disappeared decades ago.

Can you imagine that some US "intellectuals" are asking FEMA to prepare for a nuclear attack against Russia? They seriously think that if Russia fights back with nuclear weapons they'll be able to hide somewhere and wait for the heat to dissipate!

They don't understand that the half life of Uranium is 2000 years! The US is a sick empire of lies that has lost its way.

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Did you ever see that film Threads?

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I cut my ties with the media 30 years ago. Before 1995 (Internet) I was getting my info by reading books in municipal and university libraries only. Once I realized that movies (Hollywood), MSM were all concocted to brainwash the population, I stopped dealing with them. Had millions of people behave that way, what we get today would have been impossible.

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Threads is the opposite of Hollywood.

I can't describe it very well so apologies for the BBC link -


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Boom may be right about peak inflation, but I see China will drive fuel back up. That will likely introduce more inflation. I see the Fed trying to get to 5% and allowing that to hold

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I think your vision is 20/20 HH. :-)

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US Homeless Emergency Renewed?

For those who don't know what US cities look like, below is a snapshot of Seattle, WA. I prefer not to show San Francisco or Oakland California - please don't search for it!!


When Trump declared his scamdemic in early 2020, I just laughed because I knew it was fake even before they started their psyop campaigns.

Those who didn't know that there was a scamdemic in the US were the homeless people because they have no TV and those who don't know that there is Covid-19 testing are the homeless people!!!

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Ignorance is bliss 'N'. "(1) Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked, And does not stand on the path of sinners, And does not sit in the seat of scoffers. BOOK ONE (Psalms 1-41)"

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2023: Klaus Schwab, George Soros "Suddenly" Pull Out of WEF Summit at Davos

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WEF has pretty much been funded by the Russian oligarchs since the early 1990s in order to "pay back" Putin (Schwab's bestie).

This year the "bad and naughty" Russians are not welcome because Schwab has a new bestie, Zelensky.

I hate myself for even thinking this but this war in Ukraine is not what we are being told it is.

Please give me a couple of minutes to don my safety hat before you all staert lobbing things at me for my bad thinking.

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I'm not sure about anything we are told about this crazy war but I do know who started it in 2014 and who refuses to entertain any peace settlement. I rather like The Saker - what do you think PC? https://thesaker.is/the-most-important-question/

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Thing is you are so right a lot of the MSM is "so-and-so's monkey's uncle in Russia said this" and "Ukraine says that this might happen a week on Tuesday".

I am being over silly but I hope you catch my drift.

I don't know if you have kids but it mamkes me think about whemn two kids have an argument or whatever and you ask "what's up?"

Both of the stories are from that kid's point of view and iut would be wrong to only accept one view as THE FINAL WORD.

This Russia-Ukraine thing feels like that to me Zelensky has got everyone on side and Russia BAD BOY SHUT UP not allowed to tell, their side.

I find it scary like it is the same people who think jabs are vaccines and nothing will change their mind even when they get their 100th booster and 456th case of the Covid.

I just don't know what to think but I don't think shutting down one side is fair EVER.

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I agree - we need sensible dialogue PC and it is sorely missing because, like the kids, everyone chases their own agenda. I have 4 kids and 9 grandchildren and speak from experience!

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You must hve refereed a fair few disputes in your time then!!

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Much to worry about in that article. I can only hope that wiser heads prevail in both the US and Russia. From reporting I see from Ukraine there are issues with Russian resupply. This spring should see some movement. Ukraine may settle for Russian (temporary control of Crimea to get the Russians out. Meanwhile I hope that there are US-Russia talks. Neither will survive a nuclear war without huge damage that will destroy the world economy as well. China has even a higher risk in ending any hope of world domination.

I worry over the intransigence of both Russia and the US. Russia is not able to control Ukraine, at large. It has burnt bridges even in the Dons among the people.

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