The debt pyramid ponzi scheme needs a debt jubilee .


The Usury mistake as Zarlenga calls it always end badly for the people but just fine for those who control the Currencies of Nations.

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Feb 27Liked by Protect & Survive

In Argentina, this situation will take years to correct. I think they are off to a good start but perhaps too aggressive. It's like when you go on a diet, it is unhealthy to lose too much weight at once or your body will start to consume itself. I f they inflict too much pain on the people in the process, it can get much worse than where they started.

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>>“The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is very satisfied with what we’re doing.”<<

As soon as I read that sentence, I knew the people are on track to getting hosed.

Second, writers such as yourself must stop conflating corruption with incompetence. These people are not incompetent. Or as someone smarter than I said, "This is too stupid to just be stupid."

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Thank you for including the Richard Werner video! YES, private banks create all dollars! More proofs at bank LIES dot ORG

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"The politicians involved in waging this war appear to have no understanding of the impacts of their actions on the viability of the supply chains inside their economy. Power, fuel, water, and food disruptions could lead to a cascade of negative effects and feedback loops. Mass starvation may start to occur without strenuous support from external sources. If airports and power stations become inoperable, those last lines of support could be damaged beyond repair."

The so called "Palestinians" will never, ever get a state in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. They have completely blown chance after chance to do that. The nail in the coffin was October 7th. Israel's economy will rebound just fine. It could be delayed again by forcibly moving Hezbollah north of the Latani River. If so, the last remaining enemy would be then be Iran and they can be dealt with later. Israel has $200 billion in foreign reserves and they can buy plenty of food with that.

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All this seems to be leading to the World Bank, IMF and other global organisations, gaining more and more power. When will the sale of UK assets start, I wonder?

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