Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Protect & Survive

I've been making an effort to use US $ cash in transactions lately, but sometimes it is true - use of a "card" simplifies and streamlines things (assuming one pays off completely the monthly amount due), but as a matter of principle and "insurance" I keep a reservoir of cash on hand and stash it in various locations.

I suspect when I go to meet my maker that those who inherit what I have "left behind" will find all sorts of "goodies" stashed here and there.....

(ha, ha....not too much mind ya - but enough for insurance purposes).

I might make a resolution in 2025 if we get there - to go to a "cash only" sort of living, and if I do that I reckon I might as well bury my smart phone being it makes folks stupid.

Warm Regards,


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Thanks, Ken - I also use cash as much as possible in SA because it's a cash-based economy:

"Bresendale says according to reports, the current number of South Africans who are unbanked (those without bank accounts) or underbanked (those with bank accounts but who rely on cash or non-formal financial institutions) is reportedly 11 million – which constitutes 18% of the population."

The Banksters will have a hard time getting their CBDCs in here LOL - 40% of the economy is under the table (ZAR 1 trillion unaccounted and untaxed). Population is 62 million, with only 7 million taxpayers!

"Worldwide gross domestic product in 2022 was about 12,647 USD per capita. GDP in South Africa, on the other hand, reached USD 6,766 per capita, or 405.27 billion USD (ZAR 7.7 Trillion) for the whole country. South Africa is therefore currently ranked 39 among the major economies. Inflation in South Africa in 2022 was around 7.04%."



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I suspect in other places within the continent referred to as "Africa" the same holds true - and these harmful bankers (Boom excluded - cause he knows his stuff and says the hard things the current crop seems to be deaf to), are fixing to get some serious comeuppance when they realize - they have lost touch with humanity.

Africa is the "place to be" I think in the 21st century - it will be hopeful one can speculate and build upon small-scale Mutual Aid - it could be beautiful in implementation and it could be real - and it could last a long time.


If was a marketing professional (my Dad, Navy Commander, was Director of Marketing Research in his company from which he got a "golden parachute" after they tried to do him wrong) might have come up with this bit of advertisement - being he was a marketing man - so let me do it for him:


Africa 21st Century - Tis the Place to Be for Good Living with Friends and Neighbors!

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Yep Ken, a lovely sentiment from your ole' dad - I guess he knew yeas ago. But where you are is also a good place to be, and I so enjoy your journey of gardening - I am sure you will survive just as well as me because you have the skills - which are priceless - something nobody can buy!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Protect & Survive

Survival we all ought realize is day-to-day, so I take no day for granted and I'm most happy to be alive. I love living together with my family and neighbors - even if we don't always see eye-to-eye. Big picture wise I hope we all share some principles about what it means to be a human - and physical cash in hand is good insurance no doubt.

With that said, I play to win, I support efforts in Africa if they are Mutual in foundation, and if anybody - any effing b-crat comes upon my property and tells me I can't have my garden or chickens in the yard, then they are going to get to know the "true-me".

I play to win and don't tolerate b-crats stupid enforcing rules ignorant.

Fuck them.


So - I hope that never happens, but if it does - I've made preparation.

Not kidding around.


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With you Ken 100%, any government arsehole comes on my patch - he will get what he's due, and it ain't a kind word either.

As that bank robber said when asked why he robs banks: "Hell, that's where the money is!" But why use a gun?: "You can get further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone!" LOL

Playing to win - wins every time in my book, Ken

Blessings to your stoicism

AP x

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P&S - where are all your readers and why doesn't Boom come here to set the record straight or share Boom's opinion being you are presenting his views with his permission and seems he ought take that into consideration.

With that said being nobody else around here cept you and I just now I'll share where the stashes I remember are located.

1. I got a stash in my vehicle for good measure. It ain't much - but it will help in a crunch.

2. I got a stash in this drawer and that located at many places.

3. I got a stash in a few other places unexpected, but I know where I left it.

4. I got a stash near my bed just in case somebody shows up unexpected and I'm not quick enough with defenses in place - I got a stash for that - just in case - tis called insurance stash.

5. Lastly, and most importantly - I got a stash in my mind ready on the moment and always on watch - a stash of indignity I can send with authority and with the support of spirits out of bodies that share my sense of Justified Retribution.


I got stashes all over the place P&S - I suspect you do as well.

That must be why we sort of "get-along" with each other from afar so far.....and I got stashes of porter placed here and there as well - and more than enough stashes of stories and poetry as well. I got a lot that I have saved up - and I leave it all to my kin - who know me face-to-face and they know I save it and I do it for them - cause I love them so much and I want them to be safe and I want them to continue the family line and to do it with mutual aid and mutual love in mind.


Not kidding and not playing around....those who harm so many are about to learn - they is fixing to get some Justified Retribution and it is deserved - there is no reasonable doubt on it anymore - and bankers and politicians and military fools think they be bullies got some hard lessons coming on the way individually - one at a time.

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Wonderful, Ken - great to know that you & I, at least, are well prepared. There's some nasty stuff coming down the line. These bastards won't let up until we make them dead - 'tis the only way, and I know it isn't Christian - but it's my gut that tells me so.

"Thou shall not kill" - "Revenge is mine saith the Lord"...except.....QED

Best as always


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