...."the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, claims sovereignty over all her people who were in the past subjects, being at her command and pleasure."....

Between 1990-1991 during the Desert Storm (Gulf War I), Gen. Colin Powell and Gen Norman Schwarzkopf killed at least 250,000 Iraqis and poisoned 250,000 US soldiers and 33,000 UK soldiers using untested Anthrax vaccines (prior to their deployment to Kuwait and Iraq). Vaccine related diseases were called Gulf War Syndrome.

Guest what happened to the war criminals? They were knighted by the Queen after the war.

In 2003, the same Colin Powell proved (empty vials!!) to the UN that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and Bush and Tony Blair invaded and killed more than 1million Iraqis. US troops are still in Iraq in 2022.

Tony Blair lied to the British parliament and slaughtered more than 300 British soldiers in Iraq.

Guest what happened to this war criminal? He was knighted by the Queen in 2022.

I have no clue what the institution of monarchy in the UK represents - maybe they represent some extraterrestrial Reptilians (David Icke)!!!

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All so very true my friend and it makes me sick to the stomach to even be British. I escaped to South Africa in 1999 but had to return to UK in 2009 to sort my finances and pensions when I made 65. My wife is SA and now has a British passport (one of the few good things about UK). We've been trying to get back ever since, but will now have to wait until the outcome of their 2024 elections - it's dodgy there at present, but Cape Town is the best of a bad lot. FYI


In the meantime we can only fight the Establishment here with my group. I think the rulers will get a massive shock this winter - let's see what happens in the coming days - I shall be covering it all as it happens.

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Feel similarly about being an American and all. These fascists do all this in our names. They destroy everything good and true.

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If the resistance movement in SA follows the below script, I think there's some hope there:

"Tru South and Martin Pk – Not For Sale"


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Oh, brilliant 'N' well found, I will send this to my good friends in SA. My group in SA are ready: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKjoWRTtAWI

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So relevant thanks. Have felt for a long time that our sick culture selects for this insanity. Also selects for the wrong genomes. Culture either supports evolution or it supports death.

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What happens when cultures select for psychopathic toxic narcissists.

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What's happening now I guess K, I don't believe the culture will change because human behaviour is ever constant driven by fear - fear of not getting what they want and fear of losing what they have. Only when they can let go of fear will healing begin - and this requires faith in a Higher Power - far away at present.


I used this little book very successfully in my counselling practice inn the 1990s. This short introduction to Part 2 describes the situation as I have experienced it:


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.... and this requires faith in a Higher Power - far away at present....

Agree 100%. The issue today is that people believe that they're random creatures in the universe. They don't know that they're an intrinsic component of the universe and that their existence doesn't depend on a Queen/King or "Selected" government.

Accepting to be the "Subject" of any man made institution (Queen/King, etc...) is a violation of the Natural Law that should never have been tolerated on this planet.

The Revolution will come only when the majority of the population understands that they're FREE beings in the universe. Religions are fake, science is fake, economies are fake, everything is fake these days.

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So very true N and I have filed details of the Common Law and Strawman concept which many dispute - but it sounds right to me. This essay describes how our whole corrupt system perpetuates even today through the City of London over many centuries:


And illustrating how the workers have been stripped of their wealth whilst the fat cats wallow in obscene luxury - feudalism at its best - and things will change one way or another:


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"Obedience is at the heart of political power". Absolutely. I have a habit of reducing the relationship between governments and we the people to the level of individual relationships. We are being exposed to repeated abuse. The agreement between the abused and the abuser is a central feature. But weakened people are far more susceptible to becoming abused. So are weakened leaders.

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Many thanks KWN - "We are being exposed to repeated abuse." An astute observation - simple - but missed by the abused who appear to blindly accede to their abuser. It seems that they don't even notice their slavery.

"Stockholm syndrome isn't a psychological diagnosis. Instead, it is a way of understanding the emotional response some people have towards a captor or abuser. Sometimes people who are held prisoner or are subject to abuse can have feelings of sympathy or other positive feelings toward the captor"

Guess that explains it - so many emotional 'feeling people' and very few critical thinkers? We appear to be wallowing in a PC-driven, snowflake society devoid of rationality, probably by design given the disaster of government schooling over the last 50+ years. It's only oldies like myself who remember how it was in the 1950s and when we are gone the surviving generations will have no memory of what a moral civilisation with standards means.

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Agree 100%. Stockholm syndrome is a part of the abuse cycle where the abused come to sympathize with their abusers. it has been tossed around as a part of the Covid abuse cycle. But I am working on something far deeper. It goes very deep in human history and seems to connect in surprising areas.

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Wow, always interested in new approaches KWN. In your own time - perhaps your own Substack? We need everyone we can get in our open mind brainstorm here deep in rural Somerset, UK where we are building own local economy off-grid:


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Have my own Substack, lol!! KW Norton Borders. It's a deep one. Beware all who enter.

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Oh, I missed that - please forgive - I shall subscribe - I am keen to know your insights! :-)

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There is so much to read here on Substack and so little time. Thanks but entirely understandable you missed it. I miss far more than I would like and finding the things that matter in these stacks is a journey. TMI - we all get snowed under. Part of the evil doers plan.

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Love it - I will join you in your journey into prehistory! I have a similar understanding of where we came from and potentially where we are going. In my case I am dedicated to returning to local, self-sufficent economies, networked throughout a region and trading with other regions, and I have my Plan 'B': https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/progressing-plan-b-a-quarterly-review?s=w

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....if a mass labour force is no longer deemed necessary...

See below what the Black Nobility thinks about the UK 99%.

 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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Yikes, your research is brilliant, 'N' -this is a bombshell and needs to be published (with attribution of course). You could run your own Substack.

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I know. I decided not to run a Substack in 2020 for other reasons.

I've been posting on the internet since 2020 warning people about the Global Predators' agenda and showing scientific proofs that there was no "pandemic" and that vaccines were designed for depopulation purposes only... By 2022, it's obvious for many that it's the case but some folks still believe in their governments at their own risk!

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Yes, I read Dr Peter Breggin's book - I hope to get copyright so I can add his excellent summary to my TFJ Part 1 for the 5th edition 2023:


I have yet to read 'The Real Anthony Fauci' by RFK - I have the book - just time limited!

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“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world" - Clown Schwab, Davos 2022

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Yes indeed,N, I believe he has another think coming. His whole endeavour rests on compliance,even with CBDCs exerting power via money. Our group has the answers enough to spike his guns!

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I've noticed that people are really following their daily moves around the world and now some public officials are joining the fight:

Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts (Australia)

Senator Rand Paul (US),

Senator Ron Johnson (US),


Let's hope for a boomerang very soon.

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I hope and pray 'N'

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With You 100% but for the use of "protest." Protesting is telling the masters to do/not do something. I vastly prefer "demonstrate." "Here, let Me demonstrate My sovereignty." If I could add 1,000 hearts, I would!!!

I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent

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Thanks. Excellent article.

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Non compliance is easy and really makes so much much sense when senseless rules are so ridiculously pointless and foolish in the interest of only a few - come on .....tis evident, so Justified Retribution is called upon and it is on the way!


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I'm familiar with clifhigh by virtue of my time on sott.net, but maybe tis a different cliff high on that link, but makes no difference cause what matters is the message, so I'll check it out and I'll offer something up as well if one clifhigh is not the same as the next.

Here is some good music that I'm listening to just now.


In the future, I'm hoping we don't need no youtube for sharing music and seriously music is what connects us and so it is important.

Talk to you later,


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I'm listening to your lovely choice BK - my favourites are many and varied. My home site is here: https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/ It is hosted by my great friend and mentor, Admin (Jim Quinn) in Philly. He gave me my first break by allowing me to serialise my book in 100 weekly issues in 2018 and then, when I was done, I carried on with my weekly 'Letter from Great Britain' plus another weekly from my Aussie friend Gerry (BOOM Economics). TBPers are a wonderful team so do have a look.

In the meantime, we have some beautiful Vets in TBP team, Mark is exceptional. So for those who never came back:


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A timely piece, thanks. Niall Warry always writes a good post as well. It must be something to do with the coffee served at "At the Chapel". :-)

(Pedants note: I believe that BIS is Bank for International Settlements, not 'of'.)

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How kind but to get in the Chapel these days you need to be very 'Woke' so I drink my Nespresso coffee at home at 35p a capsule!!

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Well corrected Greg - there's always bloody one - and I re-read it three times! In South Africa we call the coffee with brandy, 'Polisie Koffie' :-)

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Feb 13, 2024
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Thanks, GSE - I do follow OffG and especially Kit Knightly, but the 77th are into most of Alt Press - as you say, it's a good game spotting them!

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