“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” [R. Buckminster Fuller]
My latest WEF newsletter described the Olympic opening ceremony as a triumph of diversity and inclusivity. I was blessed that I didn’t see the ‘ceremony’ live but noted other’s reactions to it – they were hurt, offended, and felt excluded and isolated.
But, we know that this was part of a programme to provoke, disturb and demoralise and ultimately destroy us. But we all carry the seeds of our own destruction and that applies to the so magnificently misnamed ‘elites’ who imagine they have elevated themselves above us (delusional!) but can never escape the consequences of their own karma.
Thank you for all the resources – I am disappointed with Russia promoting CBDCs and devastated at the fate of children. (Perhaps thankfully, I couldn’t access that report).
Before I go, please accept something uplifting – a performance of Chariots of Fire by the London Symphony Orchestra.
Thank you so much Zara, beautiful and at least we can be thankful that our planet holds within it love and beauty, albeit often hidden and unpublished by the MSM, who only seem to want negativity for reasons we know.
Sadly, the artistic director of the Olympic opening ceremony does not understand what is bound to happen, unless he repents.
Psa 21:8-9 Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you. 9 You will make them as a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them.
"the port cities of Tyre and Sidon" Princess of Baal, daughter of the Baal temple priest. Baal = Bel and all the satanic aberrations, influences, and his lieutenants', and his literal families' have touched. Tyre was the center of commerce and "delicacies." That's where you always find his offspring and those they control. Follow the money, follow the power, follow the fame. This isn't metaphor. This is reality. You have been warned of them many many many many times. Confusion / deception is his craft.
My latest WEF newsletter described the Olympic opening ceremony as a triumph of diversity and inclusivity. I was blessed that I didn’t see the ‘ceremony’ live but noted other’s reactions to it – they were hurt, offended, and felt excluded and isolated.
But, we know that this was part of a programme to provoke, disturb and demoralise and ultimately destroy us. But we all carry the seeds of our own destruction and that applies to the so magnificently misnamed ‘elites’ who imagine they have elevated themselves above us (delusional!) but can never escape the consequences of their own karma.
Thank you for all the resources – I am disappointed with Russia promoting CBDCs and devastated at the fate of children. (Perhaps thankfully, I couldn’t access that report).
Before I go, please accept something uplifting – a performance of Chariots of Fire by the London Symphony Orchestra.
Thank you so much Zara, beautiful and at least we can be thankful that our planet holds within it love and beauty, albeit often hidden and unpublished by the MSM, who only seem to want negativity for reasons we know.
The life and times of St. Paul always lifts my spirits: https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/paul-character-study/
Thank you so much!
I look forward to studying St. Paul soonest.
In the meantime, as always, take care and stay strong.
Sadly, the artistic director of the Olympic opening ceremony does not understand what is bound to happen, unless he repents.
Psa 21:8-9 Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you. 9 You will make them as a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them.
Thanks Greg, yes indeed these deviants have no idea of the power of our Creator!
"A man who stiffens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond healing" [Proverbs 29]
"the port cities of Tyre and Sidon" Princess of Baal, daughter of the Baal temple priest. Baal = Bel and all the satanic aberrations, influences, and his lieutenants', and his literal families' have touched. Tyre was the center of commerce and "delicacies." That's where you always find his offspring and those they control. Follow the money, follow the power, follow the fame. This isn't metaphor. This is reality. You have been warned of them many many many many times. Confusion / deception is his craft.