You have many good things to say and respect for trying to do something positive. I must say that some of that spirit is lost in the energy you spend attacking some arbitrary system you call "capitalism". Whose capitalism are you referring to because Milton Friedman's capitalism isn't anything like Paul Krugman's neoliberal "capitalism". And if we are being intellectually honest, a central bank is anticapitalist in the more classical sense. Zombie banks and corporations fail in capitalism. Too big to fail most certainly isn't a Mises philosophy. You are conflating " capitalism " with what should just be called plain old criminal behavior. To be fair to Marx, we are also nowhere close to his philosophy either considering the workers don't own ANY means of production. Too bad both sides strawman each other.

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I do agree but I use term because it is generally recognised by those people unlike us who don't have the benefit of our deeper knowledge. I write much about the distortions of our failing systems as you will see in my other posts.

Investopedia says:

"Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. At the same time, business owners (capitalists) employ workers (labor) who only receive wages; labor does not own the means of production but only uses them on behalf of the owners of capital."


Which is only one definition of course.

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Point taken. I honestly believe you have plenty of good ideas and materials without that boogyman. I also believe you are offering something unique to this space in being proactive, solutions-oriented, and forward-thinking. With that in mind, you might extend that philosophy to create language to build bridges with us "capitalists" who are dealing with the same class struggles since that is what brought me to your writing. This archaic "capitalism versus socialism" language is soviet-era. I believe Noam Chomsky (pre covid), Karl Marx, and Milton Friedman are equally worth reading or listening to and have well thought out positions.

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Thank you for your kind words and support - I am humbled as I just try to peer through the clouds of disinformation and present truths as I see them. I battle to find descriptions that describe our distress fairly and honestly.

1971 was the final pivot following an effective American default and it has been downhill ever since; fiat-based currencies have always failed throughout history and our era is no different. When the banksters grabbed control of the world in the 1600s (the Venetian banking model) whatever 'democracy pre-existed' was extinguished by a kleptocracy but will my readers understand the term?

You are so right about the archaic dichotomy and I read many thinkers as you reference. I feel this on ZeroHedge gives a clear impression of where we are going, Sri Lanka is the canary in the coalmine: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/take-tragedy-sri-lanka-and-multiply-ten-fed-just-lobbed-financial-nuke-will-obliterate

The historical democracy practised in Athens was originally based on sortition but this system only works for small communities. The failings of our multi-million populations being controlled and administered by a bloated dysfunctional super-state bureaucracy is too obvious to deny - the EU being a classic example. I believe we will go full circle but there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth before a rational economic and political system emerges from the rubble unless the WEF cabal win, which I doubt.

I will continue my search for appropriate language and trust that seeking will finally yield a find!

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And Hayek and Haslitt.

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Yes, Linden, again we are on the same page. Murray Rothbard and Mises are giants among the whimpering apologies for economists these days, together H & H. of course. Everyone should read 'The Road to Serfdom'. One of my colleagues writes under BOOM and I repost his weekly editorial on Tuesdays. At the end you will find links to his unique solution for our failing global financial system:


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Indeed, this is neoliberalism on crack.

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If anything, lockdowns actually made inflation worse in the long run by messing up supply chains around the world, reducing supply of goods and services. Combine that with the unprecedented levels of helicopter money that increased demand for goods and services once the economy reopened, and well, you get the picture.

Lockdowns without helicopter money would have caused a Greater Depression, and those behind it would have been sent to the guillotine. Helicopter money provided just enough "bread and virtual circuses" to prevent that from happening.

Helicopter money without lockdowns would have been inflationary a bit sooner at the gargantuan levels that at it was either way, but lockdowns both increased the need for even more helicopter money, and made inflation even worse in the long run.

The economy is NOT like a light switch that can be turned on and off at will. At least the physical economy is not.

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You have it in one Ajax and of course Blackrock et al knew this in 2019, hence 'Going Direct' which I wrote about a while ago: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w

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Just circling around back here and I haven't read it all, but I will. My sense is we share some sentiment. Click on the links by name if you care to put that sense of mine to the test and meanwhile I will read the rest of this and provide more specific feedback if I get the urge to communicate on the web.

Local Commerce is where it is at!

I got work to do and so really my time for chatting on the web is diminishing - I hope!



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No worries BK - we are sure on the same page it looks like. You can always email me: peter@underco.co.uk

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While I don't care for the boob tube and I boycotted it successfully for several months at the start of 2022, here is some good red rock music I just want to share.


The thing that is funny about "Red Rock" is you got red rock in Colorado as well as in Nevada near Vegas, but there is another place near Vegas even better and my sweety and I went there and I have a rock from that place close to the fireplace in my home here presently in North Carolina. The rock we got was from the Valley of Fire when my wife and I hiked there so many moons ago. You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) all the places I've been in North America......I've been to basically all of the contiguous 48 states (cept maybe Wyoming but who the hell wants to go there) as well as most of the provinces in Canada.

I did these travels as an ESHA professional trying to improve Safety, Health, and compliance with Environmental regulations and such. I learned so much and met so many fine folks. So, I'm glad we have had a chance to encounter each other, and I should add my daughter studied abroad at the University there in Portsmouth, UK on the English Channel and such and my wife and I spent some time visiting her there when she was just ambling around and I'm a proud Daddy of my daughter - both of them. I love my children and I play to win.


ps - I sent you an email.

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Did you visit anywhere else on the South Coast?

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Did you know Bert "restacked" this today?

If not - now you do P&S.


Plus - check this out:



It is different and I know - cause I been watching close.


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Good old Bert! That pic is amazing Ken, thank you.

AP x

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We already are doing business the way you have described with a close circle of like minded people. It works good for us and them. Very hard to get other people on board, even our children have not bought in. It takes time and effort to live out side the Matrix and most people are too busy or lazy to make the effort.

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So true Bert, even my own children are not on board and they haven't bothered to read my book! It's a leep of faith to live outside the Matrix and, as you say, most are too busy being entertained with bread & circuses.

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So many distractions to choose from.

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Hi Peter - I liked the notes about the banking bailout.

I think that the Covid-terrorism had several agendas but I think the number one agenda was the banking bailout by stealth.

I have good reason to think this.

The entire pandemic preparedness planning industry is based on a gigantic lie that pandemics are a threat. That's bullshit. Since the invention of antibiotics in 1927 we can cure 95% of all critical pneumonia cases for people who go down will flu, bad colds, or influenza and get pneumonia.

And in 2008 Dr. Anthony Fauci coauthored a paper on the Spanish Flu cadavers and concluded that '97% died of bacterial pneumonia and not the virus.' The virus didn't do it and they recommended we stock up on antibiotics for future pandemics.

The word "pandemic" has double meanings - and apart from referring to the pandemic of a growing human population that the psychopaths want to depopulate I think for the elites who planned Covid they also use it to mean 'financial contagion' that leads to financial meltdowns.

And there's proof.

Read this January 2007 paper by the US Government planning for pandemics.

This paper has all the policies that Xi Jinping used and spread worldwide via the W.H.O.

Look at the section on the Banking and Finance Sector committee - the report tells us they had their "pandemic" plan in place in January 2006 - so the LEADING PLANNERS for the Covid-lockdowns and fascist policies were the bankers.



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Ivan, you are bang on target my friend. It's the Banksters who have been at it for centuries but I suspect their day is coming to an end, and likely in a big crash to boot. This explains the City of London: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/11/29/did-you-know-that-only-one-square-mile-dominates-the-entire-planetary-civilization/

The last financial crisis was hidden, (known as the Repo crisis) - it happened on September 16, 2019 and the reason for lockdowns in 2020 is explained here: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w (note: Larry Fink says they have run out of monetary tools)

Your link is amazing, well found Ivan, and I shall read it with gusto! Good to have you on board and especially so for few have even read my book, although ResearchGate records 4,000+ reads but no response except one, Alex, a professor in Switzerland, with whom I collaborated: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/notes-and-thoughts-on-reading-an?s=w



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thanks for that link to the City of London article, I've been digging into the City of London for a couple of years and that's be a nice addition to my folder on this topic.

Are you aware that the global Freemason network, which now numbers 6 million people, is run out of the global HQ in the City?

And that since the British elites took the millenium old idea of Free Mason's lodges and created Freemasonry, (these Roman Empire elites are so clever with language), the British monarchy has always been the head of their global Freemason's movement.

I believe this is what King Charles meant back in 2020 when he launched the Great Reset and said words to the effect "We must use all the levers at our disposal" - he was referring to their international influence networks from the top down. The Freemasons in April 2020 sent out global instructions to follow the World Health Organization's diktats for Covid-terrorism. Top down tyranny.

I downloaded your book - so I won't be writing a comment there either but as I read it through I'll let you know what I think. I loved the chapter on the EU it confirmed my own thinking and helped me understand the betrayal in greater detail.

My email by the way is ivanpaton@hotmail.com - send me a short note so you have me on your email contacts.



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Thank you Ivan and I am humbled that you would wish to converse on email. I have duly added you to my private VIPs. There are so few people wanting to face the horror of the evil in our midst. The great majority do not want their idyllic world map disturbed by reality. It takes great courage and amazing faith to confront Satan but with my Creator by my side, "I walk thorough the valley of death and fear no evil."

I wrote this on the occasion of the coronation: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/coronation-special-rules-for-rulers?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=119659638&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

I will email soon.



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Dear New(er) World Order:

I'll be happier if I own a shovel, broadfork, the garden area, seeds, and my little old truck to haul compost.

Thank You!


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Me too John! But many around me haven't a clue; so extensive education and training is required to rip out that smart phone from our youngsters' hands and get them to understand the basics. Long job!

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nothing can stop youngsters from smartphones. a lot of people get pain in the hands in their 30s or even earlier, but they keep at it. the doctors say "its parkinson", and you get really strong meds. or you "need surgery" and need to use special gloves your whole life. people will just keep pushing likes and typing less and watching more videos and turn into zombies from the pain.

i stopped with smartphones in 2015, it got so bad, i first got a zing of strong energy, and i got some ideas for writing and surfing was fun. soon enough, my hands start heating up, i get anxiety, and then my hands turn cold. it ends up with my whole body turning cold and i get fibromyalgic pain and acute anxiety - the type which holds on until you fall asleep. i could also not even think with that strong radiation, the smartphone eats your soul.

i get social media now though, thats why people never say anything. their hands hurt too much from typing, and its so slow with 2 fingers. its better to post slutty selfies and disgusting looking food pics, and rack up the likes, and repost wellness memes which everyone has already seen 10 times.

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Thank you Thomas - bread & circuses - it always ends this way!


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Good stuff!

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Thanks Jimy - you offer invaluable encouragement :-)

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Feb 17, 2024
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Yes agreed GSE - I am proposing 'sortition' in a local economy and presented our 'Wheel of Action' recently as I work with BOOM to action Localisation. Colin Todhunter is one of my heroes! https://www.truth11.com/lessons-in-freedom-agroecology-localisation-and-food-sovereignty/?ref=truth11-com-newsletter

BTW - I have been excluded from my Substack (since yesterday) and now it seems all comments are coming thorough my private Gmail and I have no idea what has screwed up. I have contacted Substack, but no reply thus far: Here I posted today on a temporary site Protect' Substack: https://protectsurvive.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-chapter?r=hkcp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

If you can, please advise my other readers. I get the feeling that UK SIS has sussed me in SA.



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