Jan 28, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

Good post once again, thanks. As this dystopian monster grows more complex I find myself and my family turning to ways of accomplishing personal healing and overall health. Health is wealth.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

This is how I see Russia fighting the West in a nuclear attack.

1) Use nuclear hypersonic (mach 9-20) missiles to clean up all NATO bases in Europe (1st second) and the US. The job is done is less than 10 minutes and there are NO ABMs that can intercept hypersonic missiles. At this point in time, only Russia can intercept hypersonic missiles. NATO doesn't have hypersonic missiles either (Iran, Russia and China are the only countries with these missiles)!

2) Launch 2 nuclear Poseidons (submarine delivered) on the US Atlantic coast to generate 500m height radioactive tsunamis. That would clean up all coastal cities on the US east coast from New England to Miami.

3) Launch 2 nuclear Poseidons (submarine delivered) on the US Pacific coast to generate 500m height radioactive tsunamis. That would clean up all coastal cities on the US West coast from Washington to Baja California.

4) Launch 1 nuclear Poseidon (submarine delivered) on the UK Atlantic coast to generate 500m height radioactive tsunamis. The entire UK is soaked - it's too small! Use a single nuclear hypersonic (mach 9-20) missile to clean up "The City of London". The Truss' North Stream 2 attack will look like a small fireworks!

5) Use Sarmat (hypersonic ICBM) to clean up the entire state of New York (all banks gone!). This ICBM was designed to destroy any area of the size of the state of Texas.

6) Use Sarmat (hypersonic ICBM) to clean up the entire state of Maryland and Virginia (Washington D.C gone!).

Once "The City of London", the Federal Reserve (New York), Washington D.C (Pentagon + federal governments) are gone, you have just chaos left.

If the "Crazies in the basement" think that a nuclear exchange with Russia will be a cakewalk, they're mistaken. Anyway, they won't be here to see the consequences of their actions.

Even their "first strike" utopia won't save the world because Russia has the "Dead Hand" delivery mechanism in case the Russian government is hit first and there is nobody with the nuclear code left.

The MAD doctrine is still alive if they've forgotten about it!!

NB: Russia closed their military base in Cuba because they don't need a presence on the continental US. Their nuclear arsenal is in the oceans (Poseidon) and they have hypersonic missiles that cannot be intercepted and can hit the intended targets in less than 10 minutes and can be launched from the sea (zircon), the air (Khinzal) or from Russia (ICBM)!

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

We can see the WEF/Gates goals of decreasing population seems to be working as birth rates plummet and who knows when the excess deaths decline. Sadly the decline is with those who are the innovators. Nations that have been spared the help of the WEF/WHO/Gates bunch are not noted for innovation. We need that innovation if we are to continue moving people out of poverty. Wonder if any of those groups might be concerned now. The corporate giants who attend the WEF need customers and customers with money.

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I really like the UBUNTU idea. Here we would have to start on a smaller scale and gradually expand. I see it as being workable with the right frame of mind in place. So many people out there explaining what is wrong, that is the easy part. Seeing what is right and ways to correct this that are non violent is a more different proposition. Thanks for the links to UBUNTU, we are already doing this on a small scale in our neighborhood. With some repeated networking and success I can see it spreading.

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