Cash is king no doubt - I save all coins - and I prefer script has actual gold in it and tell that to Boomy - fiat based on faith alone is a dead end road.


Make a man happy after he gets a infected tooth split extracted I reckon P&S.

Ha, ha.


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Meanwhile, in the UK, on Monday, the electric demand was such that the National Energy System Operator (Neso) came very close to requiring electric load sharing and we haven't even entered winter yet! The answer of course, is more heat pumps and EV cars - that'll keep the lights burning!

You just couldn't make it up. It's good to read that, at least Norway has grown ups in charge.

As for the UN, it's attempts at becoming a world power just go on and on.

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Yes, it's sad Greg and I dislike writing such dark dooms about UK but it has to be faced. Until the problems are acknowledged no solutions are on offer. As you say, some countries are coming to their senses, but UK is far behind with Herr Starmer in charge.

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