Jul 23Liked by Protect & Survive

Yes, interest rates are always cut before an election because raising rates would kill the incumbent’s campaign. We live in a system where nothing really matters, so keep on spending and churning that economy. Let the workers of the future figure it out for themselves. Today we live, tomorrow they pay for it.

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Ha, Ha, you got it in one CA. Of course it's all theatre - we know that and certainly tomorrow the poor saps will indeed pay for it! But me? I'm 80 this year so I don't give a shit - I am 10 years over my three score years and ten and my great Creator has chosen to preserve me thus far for His mission on His Created planet!

"Then young children were brought to him for him to place his hands on them and offer prayer, but the disciples reprimanded them. Jesus, however, said: “Let the young children alone, and do not try to stop them from coming to me, for the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to such ones.” And he placed his hands on them and departed from there.

Now look! someone came up to him and said: “Teacher, what good must I do to gain everlasting life?” He said to him: “Why do you ask me about what is good? One there is who is good. If, though, you want to enter into life, observe the commandments continually. He said to him: “Which ones?” Jesus said: “You must not murder, you must not commit adultery, you must not steal, you must not bear false witness, honour your father and your mother, and you must love your neighbour as yourself.” The young man said to him: “I have kept all of these; what am I still lacking?” Jesus said to him: “If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven and come be my follower.” [Matthew 19: 13-21]



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Jul 24Liked by Protect & Survive

Amen! You brought tears to my eyes because the world would not be in such turmoil if we just lived these commandments. Please bless us that more can see through the corruption before it’s too late and freedom is lost. 😓 Stay safe my friend, the world needs your knowledge.

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Thank you CA - you too have brought years to my eyes as I type knowing the Great Mercy of my Creator. I am a 'Christian Deist' and try to follow the Narrow Path.: https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Founding-Fathers-Deism-and-Christianity-1272214

I pray every day for humanity - perhaps Proverbs 29 describes our desperate condition?



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