This is very informative and gives a perspective of modern history. I will go through it slowly and reflect to get proper perspective.

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Thanks A - enjoy

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Thank you for publishing evidence of the dire state of poor old Britain.

I was particularly distressed to discover quite early on in the theatrical 'pandemic' that parts of the British army, (my army!) were spying on those it swore to protect because a minority of Brits did not wish to be injected with a mystery bioweapon.

Of course, we were, and, humourously, still are, described as a democracy. But it always was a token label because the ordinary citizen did not inform themself of sufficient detail of issues to be able to hold their representative to account. Now their representatives are far more engaged with lobbyists and with a compromised civil service (thanks again Sir Tony Blair!)

It seems we've been drifting downward for a long while but it's only now becoming obvious - the fate of all empires.

Good luck to the up and coming ones. I hope they can avoid the technical feudalism that seems likely but, in the meantime, every day is a good day!

Take care, Peter, and thanks again.


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Thanks Zara, yes, it is indeed sad to see the old lion waste away but it happens naturally and I guess I too will follow in its wake in due course! :-)

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Wishing you a good week. xxx

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