My book "The Financial Jigsaw” has now been accepted and published at my academic network. Scroll down and Hit: ‘View Full Text’ button for the complete book:
So glad you enjoy my company as we navigate the economic seaways and hunker down ready for the coming storm - I am well reefed. Us yachties are used to being exposed to danger - a common foe unites us all. Let's hope the same applies to landsmen when the chips are down.
So very odd that worldwide we see great incompetence from leaders. Most nations are in the same boat - excessive debt and increased income inequality. The real sadness is that a pandemic showed no ability for officials to cope, they seemed to not attempt to understand the differential risks and few dared to take any positive action. As the pandemic becomes endemic they still can't act rationally. But now they actually have data, even to the point of hiding some of it. Still nobody will admit to error.
Yes HH, it seems to be an affliction of the bureaucratic mind. I see no obvious answer until our economies scale down and local management takes effect. You might have seen my essay on this:
That's a solid piece that dives into the various collision courses we face. I'm not sure how to plan the future given the incompetence of so many. Who knows what the muddling about will produce?
My Plan B for the interim, prior to the burgeoning deflationary depression, is to hunker down, minimise expenditure (and garden) and maximise income by whatever means. I have successfully traded at local markets in the past by collecting surplus 'landfill' junk from people's houses who could use the extra space. There will always be a buyer.
Also, many pundits recommend paying down debt, but this is just enriching the banksters. Play them at their own game and use credit switching cards to zero transfer balances and roll them on. Maintain a high FICO and plan repayments to budget - don't overstretch. If a debt jubilee arrives you are a winner!
I worked at the Citizens Advice Bureau in the 1990s, specialising in debt management - I know most of the tricks and I always won in the end.
Thank you Nostradamus for you continuing support and yes, indeed, we are witnessing the emergence of the New World Oder but not the one the WEF has envisioned. Eastasia is a bloc which encompasses 80+% of the world's people and they are finding their raison d'être with China and Russia leading.
EUNATO have a major problem now that nuclear armed mega states can no longer be plundered.
Brilliant stats thank you - all so true. Nobody can say 'when' but it's not a question of 'if' now that the process of decline is in motion - it's just a matter how fast this catastrophe arrives at a destination that all fiat-based economies have done since time immemorial.
Peter, thanks for filling in the blanks re.: BoJo and what it means for the UK/PM actions going forward.
As your fellow yachtsman, thanks also for the numerous nautical metaphors just prior to your upper 'Subscribe' button.
So glad you enjoy my company as we navigate the economic seaways and hunker down ready for the coming storm - I am well reefed. Us yachties are used to being exposed to danger - a common foe unites us all. Let's hope the same applies to landsmen when the chips are down.
So very odd that worldwide we see great incompetence from leaders. Most nations are in the same boat - excessive debt and increased income inequality. The real sadness is that a pandemic showed no ability for officials to cope, they seemed to not attempt to understand the differential risks and few dared to take any positive action. As the pandemic becomes endemic they still can't act rationally. But now they actually have data, even to the point of hiding some of it. Still nobody will admit to error.
Sorry state of affairs. Worldwide.
Yes HH, it seems to be an affliction of the bureaucratic mind. I see no obvious answer until our economies scale down and local management takes effect. You might have seen my essay on this:
That's a solid piece that dives into the various collision courses we face. I'm not sure how to plan the future given the incompetence of so many. Who knows what the muddling about will produce?
My Plan B for the interim, prior to the burgeoning deflationary depression, is to hunker down, minimise expenditure (and garden) and maximise income by whatever means. I have successfully traded at local markets in the past by collecting surplus 'landfill' junk from people's houses who could use the extra space. There will always be a buyer.
Also, many pundits recommend paying down debt, but this is just enriching the banksters. Play them at their own game and use credit switching cards to zero transfer balances and roll them on. Maintain a high FICO and plan repayments to budget - don't overstretch. If a debt jubilee arrives you are a winner!
I worked at the Citizens Advice Bureau in the 1990s, specialising in debt management - I know most of the tricks and I always won in the end.
Assad curse strikes again!
Make Russia Great Again!!!
The European Titanic has just hit a Russian Iceberg,
Save who can!!!
Thank you Nostradamus for you continuing support and yes, indeed, we are witnessing the emergence of the New World Oder but not the one the WEF has envisioned. Eastasia is a bloc which encompasses 80+% of the world's people and they are finding their raison d'être with China and Russia leading.
EUNATO have a major problem now that nuclear armed mega states can no longer be plundered.
Only the blind still believe in EUNATO.
The below report shows clearly that the US was bankrupt a long time ago!
Is the New Rome going to collapse? absolutely!
When? I don't know.
Why America Is Addicted to War?
Because it’s comatose – Each US citizen owes ~$200,000 to the world:
US Total Unfunded Liabilities : $169, 586, 872, 950, 543.0 (fed+states). 15 digits!
US Total Debt : $90, 905, 683, 245, 654.0 (fed+states). 14 digits!
US Total National Assets: $194, 767, 783, 583, 435.0 (everything between Mexico and Canadastan + US worldwide assets). 15 digits!
Global US Account Balance: -65,724,772,612,762.0 (-$66 Trillion!!!). 14 digits!
Absolute Value of each American : (-199,166)
Time of estimate: 2022-06-01 9:34:56 PST.
Brilliant stats thank you - all so true. Nobody can say 'when' but it's not a question of 'if' now that the process of decline is in motion - it's just a matter how fast this catastrophe arrives at a destination that all fiat-based economies have done since time immemorial.