May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE
May 2, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

The US market seems to defy logic. Perhaps a reflection of too much money still sloshing about. OTOH, the P/E of real production capability seems fair. The P/E of the high flyers seems excessive as ad dollars are beginning to shrink. Still some companies have little costs to collect fees from ads.

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I have a firm belief that until we get a strong non interventionist President in the United States, nothing will change this trajectory. China can pretend to be a peacemaker but how they treat their own citizens should alarm anyone trusting their intentions. They throw money around, but there are ropes attached. The voting machines that are controlling the elections need to go or we will see no change, only for the worst.

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