Hey Peter - at my site I just posted a response to you on a message from awhile ago. I think there may need to be an amendment to "Plan B" - just saying and I trust you know best.
I ponder whether BOOM has considered the foundational function of money. At the foundation, We are accounting for the energy each of Us adds into a system. Irrespective of added levels of complexity (tangible vs fiat, etc.), the basic function of money is to ensure We each add energy so that no One "skates" on the efforts of Others.
100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy. The resources sit here freely but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration. So what would happen when We add free energy technologies? And yes, they exist - I personally know of one such tech, hidden in black projects. See link below to My video about electrogravitics.
If energy is free, the point of accounting for it vanishes.
And money, not only archaic, is a very dangerous tool. It offers power over Others, and psychopaths, as a rule, lust for power over Others. They will do literally ANYTHING to get and keep that power. And so... Money WILL promote psychopaths to the top of the heap. And I am sure most of Us can point to evidence that We do have psychopaths in control on Our planet (plannedemics coordinated worldwide, anyOne?).
Thank you very much and of course you are very right and I agree with you entirely AS. I was in a group studying vacuum energy in the early 2000s in Cape Town. We carried out various experiments, regrettably undocumented, because all of us were preparing our yachts for cruising (at the FBYC, Simons Town). There are always lots of innovative engineers within the cruising world as we are so conscious of energy conservation.
Several experiments added to our confusion. For example, we placed a magnet at the top of a sloping (45 deg) aluminium flat bar. It started fairly quickly sliding down then was halted and continued very slowly to the end. But Al is not magnetic? Have you an explanation - it's bothered me ever since!
Anyway, thank you for your links which I shall watch/read this week. I believe we have all been fooled because free energy is not 'economic'. I have visited the Great Pyramid and studied its math etc, reading many books, and there is no question in my mind that it was an energy generator. Tesla failed for exactly this reason IMHO.
When You get into My stuff, You will grasp that it's not just about "economics..." It's about the psychopaths' single tool to power being eliminated. Without money use, there is no way to pay bullies (armies and strong-arms) to do dirty work.
I look forward to Your thoughts!
EDIT to add: Very familiar with Searl, and in fact spent a decade and more looking at any and all free energy tech claimed. Will check out "flooid."
On catchup here, so apologies for the late response.
"For example, we placed a magnet at the top of a sloping (45 deg) aluminium flat bar. "
The magnet is generating a current in the bar, which itself generates a magnetic field hence slows the magnet. Just think of a generator. As soon as you draw current from it (put it on load), the current in the coils produce a magnetic field in opposition, so slows the generator - same as with your bar.
Great piece on Utopia and on the German economy, thanks.
Oh, thank you Greg - we never did figure it - so the bar doesn't have to be magnetic? I left physics in 1963 when I did 'A' level (and failed - I got an 'O' level citation for that one). My Chem & Bio were better and I was going on to study biochemistry at Imperial College, London. But the angels intervened and I stayed with selling cars at Frome Auctions for a while and had a ball!
Thank you for your kind appreciation of BOOM's work (I just re-post it) - but we talk often and share research - he is a wonderful mentor - way ahead of me in finance.
Ha, I loved Physics 'A' level, got an 'O' level pass in 'A' level chemistry - too much learning by rote, and disliked Bio, but then the Bio Master disliked me!!!!
Hey - I got a vacuum picture to share if you give me a moment - it speaks to the advantage of analog over digital - I know I might be off target with this supposition formed quickly, but give me a moment please - I'll find the image I want to share:
Let me just share something quick here with all the readers at this place - I'm pretty sure some big changes are on the way and they are unstoppable. After they happen I sure hope we can "settle" on an operating system that doesn't need to be updated 8 days a week.
P&S - your Plan B makes sense to me, but somebody needs to get a message to somebody in South Africa to the folks living there the let them know that if we work together things will be better for all of us, but if you take the funds from the devil, then down you will go with the devil as the devil goes down once again in South Africa and everywhere else for that matter.
Ha Ha Ken you didn't know, but I was a Ham enthusiast in the 1950s (Wireless World etc) and built my first one-valve receiver in 1955. I hated the crystal set and so went one better. I carried on with electronics for many years as a hobby. (at boarding school I could listen to the 'Home Service' -aka Radio 4 - under the covers after lights out!)
In the holidays I worked at a local TV shop erecting aerials and the engineers would kindly give me the scrapped TV chassis from which I would build push/pull mega-watt amplifiers (and sell them to the guitar nuts), and even got to build an oscilloscope because I couldn't afford to buy one. I used a second-hand Avo ( which I think has never been beaten). The challenge was to build an HT amplifier to drive the CRT and I used a recovered (from TV) top anode valve but with a 35v heater! So I actually wound my own wire-wound, iron-core transformer. The WW book gave me all the math!
So I recognise your octal based valves but I can't remember the name of the great rectifier we used all the time (DL50?). I do remember the 9-pin EL84 pentode though! In those days it was engineering excellence too to avoid stray capacitance! Great days - you have taken me back 70+ years and all those mail-orders for parts to 'Radio Spares' (now - RS Components https://uk.rs-online.com/web/).
BUT you make a very important point Ken - because when the SHTF our local comms will rely on Hams and local CB radio. I will be set up with both in SA. We are preppers in the yachting world and self-reliance prevails above anything else! And always with 2 backups!
I'm very angry today - I think about the ones who voted 21-0 to give the jab to the kids. I'm not playing around - I am not kidding. I will expose them one and all and I'll do it here: https://buffaloken.substack.com/p/whisper-of-the-wolf
If you have kids of your own I'm sure you understand the deep seated anger arising from my fingers and I will hunt them down one at a time and just will be served....now maybe justice will be delivered in a manner unexpected, but you can know this - justice will be served - one way or the other.
Hey Peter - at my site I just posted a response to you on a message from awhile ago. I think there may need to be an amendment to "Plan B" - just saying and I trust you know best.
Your friend in Fries,
LOL - I just replied Ken - enjoy the menu!
I ponder whether BOOM has considered the foundational function of money. At the foundation, We are accounting for the energy each of Us adds into a system. Irrespective of added levels of complexity (tangible vs fiat, etc.), the basic function of money is to ensure We each add energy so that no One "skates" on the efforts of Others.
100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy. The resources sit here freely but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration. So what would happen when We add free energy technologies? And yes, they exist - I personally know of one such tech, hidden in black projects. See link below to My video about electrogravitics.
If energy is free, the point of accounting for it vanishes.
And money, not only archaic, is a very dangerous tool. It offers power over Others, and psychopaths, as a rule, lust for power over Others. They will do literally ANYTHING to get and keep that power. And so... Money WILL promote psychopaths to the top of the heap. And I am sure most of Us can point to evidence that We do have psychopaths in control on Our planet (plannedemics coordinated worldwide, anyOne?).
For more, I offer:
Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
I Have a Blueprint (8 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/i-have-a-blueprint:1?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths
Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Money... Do We Need It? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it?sd=pf
You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-have-a-choice-will-you-choose
We Ethical Sovereigns – The Society Of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-ethical-sovereigns-the-society
Thank you very much and of course you are very right and I agree with you entirely AS. I was in a group studying vacuum energy in the early 2000s in Cape Town. We carried out various experiments, regrettably undocumented, because all of us were preparing our yachts for cruising (at the FBYC, Simons Town). There are always lots of innovative engineers within the cruising world as we are so conscious of energy conservation.
Several experiments added to our confusion. For example, we placed a magnet at the top of a sloping (45 deg) aluminium flat bar. It started fairly quickly sliding down then was halted and continued very slowly to the end. But Al is not magnetic? Have you an explanation - it's bothered me ever since!
Anyway, thank you for your links which I shall watch/read this week. I believe we have all been fooled because free energy is not 'economic'. I have visited the Great Pyramid and studied its math etc, reading many books, and there is no question in my mind that it was an energy generator. Tesla failed for exactly this reason IMHO.
You have chosen a massive subject AS and hat tip to you. I have years of research but have reached no firm conclusions. Have you come across Prof John Searle? https://medium.com/predict/searl-effect-generator-replication-measures-7-reduction-in-weight-b8d24e4199f0
I have loads of data on this and other hypotheses - I do believe this could be real: https://flooidpower.com/power-generation/
And on and on! :-)
When You get into My stuff, You will grasp that it's not just about "economics..." It's about the psychopaths' single tool to power being eliminated. Without money use, there is no way to pay bullies (armies and strong-arms) to do dirty work.
I look forward to Your thoughts!
EDIT to add: Very familiar with Searl, and in fact spent a decade and more looking at any and all free energy tech claimed. Will check out "flooid."
Love always!
On it this weekend AS
On catchup here, so apologies for the late response.
"For example, we placed a magnet at the top of a sloping (45 deg) aluminium flat bar. "
The magnet is generating a current in the bar, which itself generates a magnetic field hence slows the magnet. Just think of a generator. As soon as you draw current from it (put it on load), the current in the coils produce a magnetic field in opposition, so slows the generator - same as with your bar.
Great piece on Utopia and on the German economy, thanks.
Oh, thank you Greg - we never did figure it - so the bar doesn't have to be magnetic? I left physics in 1963 when I did 'A' level (and failed - I got an 'O' level citation for that one). My Chem & Bio were better and I was going on to study biochemistry at Imperial College, London. But the angels intervened and I stayed with selling cars at Frome Auctions for a while and had a ball!
Thank you for your kind appreciation of BOOM's work (I just re-post it) - but we talk often and share research - he is a wonderful mentor - way ahead of me in finance.
Ha, I loved Physics 'A' level, got an 'O' level pass in 'A' level chemistry - too much learning by rote, and disliked Bio, but then the Bio Master disliked me!!!!
We are a mirror image Greg! LOL :-) This is my old grammar school:
In the 1960s, my biology master, Reg Bullock, ruled supreme! I was enthralled with the magic of nature, and still am.
2 of our children went there for a while, but poor maths teaching, at the time, forced us to move them, sadly. Then, they moved the maths teacher!
Who you get as a teacher is so important. An inspirational teacher can work wonders, and vice versa!
Hey - I got a vacuum picture to share if you give me a moment - it speaks to the advantage of analog over digital - I know I might be off target with this supposition formed quickly, but give me a moment please - I'll find the image I want to share:
OK - I found it - here is the link: https://www.pearl-hifi.com/03_Prod_Serv/KT88_Pwr_Amps/KT88_Pwr_Amps.html
It came from this thread: https://www.sott.net/article/482951-Decoupling-Washingtons-plan-to-kneecap-Chinas-economy#comment469356
Let me just share something quick here with all the readers at this place - I'm pretty sure some big changes are on the way and they are unstoppable. After they happen I sure hope we can "settle" on an operating system that doesn't need to be updated 8 days a week.
P&S - your Plan B makes sense to me, but somebody needs to get a message to somebody in South Africa to the folks living there the let them know that if we work together things will be better for all of us, but if you take the funds from the devil, then down you will go with the devil as the devil goes down once again in South Africa and everywhere else for that matter.
Ha Ha Ken you didn't know, but I was a Ham enthusiast in the 1950s (Wireless World etc) and built my first one-valve receiver in 1955. I hated the crystal set and so went one better. I carried on with electronics for many years as a hobby. (at boarding school I could listen to the 'Home Service' -aka Radio 4 - under the covers after lights out!)
In the holidays I worked at a local TV shop erecting aerials and the engineers would kindly give me the scrapped TV chassis from which I would build push/pull mega-watt amplifiers (and sell them to the guitar nuts), and even got to build an oscilloscope because I couldn't afford to buy one. I used a second-hand Avo ( which I think has never been beaten). The challenge was to build an HT amplifier to drive the CRT and I used a recovered (from TV) top anode valve but with a 35v heater! So I actually wound my own wire-wound, iron-core transformer. The WW book gave me all the math!
So I recognise your octal based valves but I can't remember the name of the great rectifier we used all the time (DL50?). I do remember the 9-pin EL84 pentode though! In those days it was engineering excellence too to avoid stray capacitance! Great days - you have taken me back 70+ years and all those mail-orders for parts to 'Radio Spares' (now - RS Components https://uk.rs-online.com/web/).
BUT you make a very important point Ken - because when the SHTF our local comms will rely on Hams and local CB radio. I will be set up with both in SA. We are preppers in the yachting world and self-reliance prevails above anything else! And always with 2 backups!
Go well my friend
I wish I had any connection. But yes, the more We stand in aggregate, the less power They have.
I'm very angry today - I think about the ones who voted 21-0 to give the jab to the kids. I'm not playing around - I am not kidding. I will expose them one and all and I'll do it here: https://buffaloken.substack.com/p/whisper-of-the-wolf
If you have kids of your own I'm sure you understand the deep seated anger arising from my fingers and I will hunt them down one at a time and just will be served....now maybe justice will be delivered in a manner unexpected, but you can know this - justice will be served - one way or the other.
Tis WAR.
Oh, I grasp, dear One. [hugs!] My daughter is 20, so She's in charge of Her path. But yes, I can very much feel the wrath!
May We draw enough of Us just not consenting to the mess! Co=creating better! Love always!