Feb 21, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

Arbitrary credits of coercion & deceit.

The pattern reiterates itself as a wining up of history.

Dissociating and dislocating from true source and currency to mutually agreed contracts as systems of derivative promises that can no longer be kept.

The journey into a realm of private agendas of possession and control results a virtual nightmare.

BUT a true fulfilment remains truly current even if a world has learned to mask from it, or mask as if sharing it while robbers come by the back door.

Trust and truth are of each other. The reversal of words runs a spell of false evidences appearing real. As if trust can be replaced by control, and as if such a control has any relation to truth but as its substitution.

I alluded to spiritual currency because there is no other basis for life, and only a limited capacity to carry the toxic debts and conflicts of coercion and deceit set in crown & robes.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by PROTECT & SURVIVE

Holy digital Amazon money monopoly!

So I looked up the price of macaroni & cheese as I have done every so often for decades, always with the idea this is the food of last resort. Now I should add the only food those payments will buy? Hahahaha!

Here's a new one Bunny Pasta Yummy Cheese! Link address is too long so look it up for yourself if interested in learning your future food.

Prices are increasing, Kraft doesn't even offer the bulk box anymore - a bad signal.

With increasing interest rates, credit card payments, adjustable rate loans of all types, the lessoning velocity of cash in the daily economy, meeting up with the all time high of US shale production, the price will crack, unless, of course, the government props it up somehow (shale plays provides lots of GDP even with a decreasing EROEI).

I like the local and national advice, learn the strengths and weaknesses, no need to import the strengths. End the shipping of the same or similar item around the country, instead localizing it as the first easy step.

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