
Cecil Rhodes was one of the greatest conmen of the last two centuries, and naturally a Freemason:


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Bang on the button my friend - a den of thieves no less - thank you for the link - LET THE TRUTH SPEAK!

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Thanks for the link. If you work in a hierarchical organisation and a parallel structure of influence and power is working alongside, life can get quite difficult. (That's from experience)

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Fascinating thank you. I knew a tiny little bit of this story, and you have filled in many gaps. I'm going to get that book.

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Interesting thanks. I knew almost nothing about Rhodes apart from his scholarships.

Also of interest, to me anyway, is the number of people who think that a World Government or New World Order, can be a good thing.

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Neither did I Greg until I researched it and discovered that the NWO concept came from influences of the British empire (yet again!)

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