Jun 29Liked by Protect & Survive

Yes, the big news of the week was the release of Julian Assange who should never have been incarcerated in the first place. Nevertheless, a lesson for all of us – should we care to learn it.

Our General Election is, of course, largely irrelevant as it has already been decided – by those who do have resources and power. The result will ensure that we are presented with prepared recitations of diversionary issues whilst we are pillaged and trained to be compliant with reduced circumstances and dependence upon those who are indifferent to us.

Unfortunately, our growth industries seem to be Public Relations and propaganda, followed by, I think, bombs and drugs.

On the other hand, the weather is nice! (No climate boiling!)

You are missing little!

Take care and stay free!

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Many thanks Zara, stay safe love, they are coming for you, but you do not need to comply. I am here for you and will bring all our SA forces to your aid whenever needed. Bread & Circuses come to mind! LOL



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Jun 29Liked by Protect & Survive

Thank you so much!

Your kindness and reassurances are gratefully received - thank you.

I know there are others far worse off than me and more worthy and I'm trying to use their example as inspiration.

Speak soon! x

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