It's good to read that more and more countries are picking up on the horrors of the MRNA experiment. However, this type of piece is still suppressed here in the UK. "Nothing to see here. Now move alone!"
In your Global Governance and Globalism piece, you failed to include "The International Ministry of Truth". With this addition, George Orwell would understand how his 'handbook' is being implemented, only 40 years after he predicted!
Yes, Greg, it's almost as if the Globalists are following his playbook, isn't it? Was Orwell part of the same cabal? It's so difficult to know what to believe these days, although my good colleague, Dr Gerry Brady (BOOM) is certainly a source of truth - I have trusted him implicitly over the last 10 years.
He saved me total embrassment when he corrected the first edition of my book in 2015. I had got banking all wrong, just as I was taught economics at Bristol university in the 1960s when training as a Co.Sec.
I am a member of a global resistance group and 6 months ago, Gerry presented his thesis - it's 2+ hours, but worth your time Greg IMHO. Please keep it confidential as we are all at risk - these criminals will stop at nothing to achieve a global dystopian government.
I would hope not Greg but when I was consulting for an oil company many moons ago, the CEO remarked that "everyone can be bought, it's just a question of price". When you have a magic money tree there is no limit to the amount that can be paid. We are witnessing this in real time in the Western financial system.
It's good to read that more and more countries are picking up on the horrors of the MRNA experiment. However, this type of piece is still suppressed here in the UK. "Nothing to see here. Now move alone!"
In your Global Governance and Globalism piece, you failed to include "The International Ministry of Truth". With this addition, George Orwell would understand how his 'handbook' is being implemented, only 40 years after he predicted!
Yes, Greg, it's almost as if the Globalists are following his playbook, isn't it? Was Orwell part of the same cabal? It's so difficult to know what to believe these days, although my good colleague, Dr Gerry Brady (BOOM) is certainly a source of truth - I have trusted him implicitly over the last 10 years.
He saved me total embrassment when he corrected the first edition of my book in 2015. I had got banking all wrong, just as I was taught economics at Bristol university in the 1960s when training as a Co.Sec.
I am a member of a global resistance group and 6 months ago, Gerry presented his thesis - it's 2+ hours, but worth your time Greg IMHO. Please keep it confidential as we are all at risk - these criminals will stop at nothing to achieve a global dystopian government.
Our Lord Jesus Christ will prevail, this I know because it is written - but the Great Tribulation might be here in our lifetime?
"Was Orwell part of the same cabal? "
I would say, most definitely not.
I would hope not Greg but when I was consulting for an oil company many moons ago, the CEO remarked that "everyone can be bought, it's just a question of price". When you have a magic money tree there is no limit to the amount that can be paid. We are witnessing this in real time in the Western financial system.
Maybe in the financial system but some know that there are higher priorities.
However, it was good to hear Thunderclap Newman again.