Machine AI is not intelligent but that's not the goal.

Machine AI will be used to further transhumanism by transforming biologicals into biomachines so the biomachine becomes the AI that is intelligent.

Fleshbots. Cyborgs. I'm sure there are other fanciful names...

With intelligence that is boosted with tech. Or so I think that's the plan.

Of course, these are people devising these plans, not gods. We'll see what God does.

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uh I think Mother Nature might has some input on it.

You know I assume she is practiced in balancing things.....over millions of years.

Ain't no AI outsmart her.

(nice post - I basically concur - eff the bots is what I think - take em to the shed and deliver justice)


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Yes indeed Ken - best ignored and concentrate on gardening, eh?

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Uh....Mother Nature is hard to ignore, but I get your point!


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We (UK) broke out of Technocracy, when we managed to get out of the clutches of the European Empire. It would seem that the move towards Transhumanism is our next threat but as Pirate Eyes wrote, "We'll see what God does" I would add, through us. (Psa 59:8: But you, O LORD, laugh at them; you hold all the nations in derision.)

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Ah - you hit the destruct button Greg - thanks for the link. :-) "according to Greek scholar William Barclay, “hubris is mingled pride and cruelty...the arrogant contempt which makes [a man] trample on the hearts of his fellow men.” QED

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Humans are biased, AI when it is opened sourced is unbiased. AI uses logic. Not all humans can think logically when emotions are present. AI does not have that problem. AI is a tool that is in use even with Amazon, Walmart, and most likely Substack to make suggestions to customers as AI learns from your previous choices what you like. It sees patterns and that is helpful as a tool in even medicine. The biggest problem is that people think AI needs to be humanized to be useful. This is the opposite of what we need. Do we need calculators that understand us? No, yet they are extremely useful and necessary in finding answers for us. We must as a country be at the forefront of AI so our enemies cannot take over our technology with AI. The CCP is developing AI and I would guess the Russians too. If we are not prepared to protect our technologies through powerful AI, we will be at grave risk. This is very much like the development of the atomic bomb. We are in very dangerous times. AI must be Open Sourced and in the hands of the American people first. Just like the internet and cell phones are.

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Thanks for your biased opinion.

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Biased? In what way pray tell, PS?

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All people bring bias to their opinions.

The commenter above seems to be of the opinion AI is comparable to a simple calculator and that cell phones and the internet are in the people's control.

That is bias.

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Why should it be in the "hands of the Americans" c Anderson? Are they the world's arbiters? Their track record over the last 80 years does not elicit confidence, IMHO. And why do we have enemies? https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-36-the?r=hhrlz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

"He who knows his enemy and himself well will not be defeated easily." Sun Tzu

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