The Road to Zero – Leading to Food Crisis – Censorship Goes Global - Weasel Words - Letter from Great Britain [05-07-22]
MY BOOK, “The Financial Jigsaw”, is published at my academic network. Scroll for full view: Email for a free PDF at:
A QUOTE, to remind us all what it's really all about: " Shortly before his death, Christophe de Margerie, the late head of French Oil Giant Total, said: "Anything can be bought, including men, it's just a question of price". And he should know.
STOP PRESS: Local elections. It’s tricky to draw hard and fast conclusions but one way to see the mood is sort of anti-Tory – but not quite pro-Labour. Johnson-under-renewed-pressure-after-local-election-losses
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: What did Liz Truss expect of Russia's reaction to her insane and outlandish claims of 'weakening this nuclear state"? "A recent Russian state TV program has stirred outrage and made headlines across the United Kingdom after a television presenter featured a simulated demonstration of how the Russian navy's nuclear submarines would take out the UK with ease.
The segment aired late last week on public broadcaster "Channel One" and featured the chairman of the nationalist Rodina political party, Aleksey Zhuravlyov, who declared that "one Sarmat missile and the British Isles will be no more." This is in Russian but the visuals make it clear:"

"Putin has broken a post-Cuba taboo on threatening to go nuclear. Without most people being aware of it, the world is entering its most dangerous period since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis."
BREAKING NEWS: Elon Musk buys Twitter – but why? "When Musk gave his initial statement regarding his plans for the social media platform, there was one phrase that stood out as being particularly odd: "I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans."
The only way to “authenticate” people on the platform is to integrate it with some kind of digital ID or biometric identifier. And that sounds eerily similar to the WEF’s vision of making it necessary to have a “digital identity” in order to access online services. Hell, maybe Musk has been tasked with instituting that as well. Who knows? Full details here at OffG:
'ABSOLUTE THINKING' is at the root of group-think about the 'Road to Zero' among other cults. We are all at the mercy of energy in whatever form and current events indicate how ferociously humans will fight for access to it. Of course this is not surprising because we know our very lives depend on it. Capital Exploits puts the whole issue into context and offers rational explanations for our human pugnacious attributes.
"Absolute thinking is the genesis of, among other things, genocides. The reason I bring all of this up is because when I first viewed statements about climate change I knew immediately we had a problem on our hands. The statements were and are universally absolute: “the science is settled.” I knew that we were dealing with a cult, not science. It is why the governments’ statements about carbon zero and the road to zero emissions are dangerous. Because they’re absolute, allow for the demonization, and hence eradication of anyone that opposes this narrative. It is literally impossible to get to truth without the ability to view the possibilities of other or new facts. This is true of any field, not just climate science.
As of right now you’ll notice the “absolute,” which cannot therefore be questioned can be found in the following topics:
· Covid
· Climate change (CO2 emissions and “net zero”)
· Ukraine
· Critical race theory
· Privileged white males
We’ve many examples throughout history but let us today consider this one of CO2 emissions which feeds into “renewables” and a “sustainable” future. Never in the history of man have we transitioned from a more dense energy form to a less dense one. The reason is simple. It is “barse-ackward.” If we look at any time we’ve transitioned from a less energy dense form to a more energy dense one, we see a number of things.
· Higher productivity
· Lowered inflation (the two going hand in hand)
· Rising standards of living
It stands to reason that by doing the opposite we’re likely to see the following:
· Lower productivity
· Increased inflation
· Falling standard of living
Looked at purely from an investment perspective an important ratio is energy return on investment. The multiple of your energy input that translates into output [EROEI which I describe in depth in my book]. If we look at man’s history from an energy perspective, we see the following: wood, biomass, coal, oil, natural gas, uranium. Biomass is denser in energy than wood, and coal denser still, and so on. Dense forms of energy with high EROI let nature do the work. For example, oil is just concentrated solar from eons ago.
We may well approach some level of “zero” in parts of the world. It’ll be zero energy, zero food, zero life. And that means conflict of the sort we’ve never experienced in our lives. I wish it wasn’t so, but that is the road we’re on with the absolutists steering this titanic catastrophe in the making.
In the meantime, some will come to their senses, change course, and embrace physics. The asymmetry they will provide to us will be extraordinary, and it’s our job to attempt to navigate where and who these places will be."
LEADING ON, the 'Masters of the Financial Universe' can't print food however much they try. Michael Snyder has the story: "Our leaders can try to throw billions or even trillions of dollars at the global food crisis, they may even convince themselves that they are making a difference but they simply cannot create food out of thin air":
"Even before 2022 came along, global food supplies were getting really tight. In fact, it is being reported that more than 800 million people did not have enough food to eat in 2020. The worldwide famine that I have been warning about for years is now here. The way that we produce our food is not sustainable, and experts have known about this for a very long time.
It was inevitable that a day of reckoning would come, and now recent events have greatly accelerated matters. And the truly frightening thing is that many of the factors that are causing this crisis are not going to go away any time soon. So if you think that things are bad now, just wait until we get a couple more years down the road [to zero]: It's just America. Michael cites global examples:"
SO how secure is Britain's food supply? According to the NFU opinions are mixed but we do know that farming during WW2 enabled Britain to manage, albeit with rationing, and we can do it again: "Trade and food availability are rising up the agenda with every week that goes by, panel chair Stuart Roberts told Conference. He added that in 1984 self-sufficiency in this country was 78%, but last year that figure was down to 60%. The panel of industry experts were asked about their views:" Always assuming the bombs don't fall first and as long as Liz Truss' psychiatric disorder is treated.
ONLINE CENSORSHIP has gone global. "The United States (US) and 60 partner countries, including the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, Australia, and members of the European Union (EU), have signed a sweeping “Declaration for the Future of the Internet” which commits to bolstering “resilience to disinformation and misinformation” and somehow upholding free speech rights while also censoring “harmful” content."
However, the commitments in the declaration are vague and often conflicting. For example, the declaration makes multiple commitments to upholding freedom of expression yet also commits to bolstering “resilience to disinformation and misinformation.” It also contains the seemingly contradictory commitment of ensuring “the right to freedom of expression” is protected when governments and platforms censor content that they deem to be harmful.
As usual, the Brits have gone one step further and have introduced their ominously sounding 'Online Safety Bill' which needs radical amendments to prevent it from trampling on free speech. "Outlining some of the problems with the Bill, the Institute explained that there is currently no clarity as to what legal content will be considered ‘harmful’. It will eventually be laid out in secondary legislation, but this means Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries and her successors will be able to amend it with little parliamentary scrutiny." Read on:
This is normal practice for the new 'British Biosecurity State' where laws and regulations can be imposed by ministers and their Establishment sycophants without parliamentary oversight which is what happened to the Covid laws under the guise of an emergency. This is merely more evidence (as if we needed more) that Britain is far away removed from a 'democracy' – in practice it is a plutocracy and has been for at least 1,000 years following the Norman invasion of 1066.
HOWEVER, not to be outdone, Biden has just set up an even more ominous agency under the auspices of the 'Homeland Security Agency' with the innocuous title of the 'Disinformation Governance Board' aka 'Ministry of Truth'. It is now clear to me that the ruling elites are following George Orwell's playbook almost to the letter. We can all see where this is leading because already Oceania is continuing its war with Eastasia and if Big Brother says it is so – so it is. Spiked concludes:
"The Biden administration’s concern about ‘disinformation’ speaks to its lack of confidence in itself and its lack of trust in the American people. It is taking a deeply illiberal approach motored by a fearful, feverish vision of the masses being led astray by Russian propaganda or by wrongheaded internet chatter. It is all a powerful reminder of the hatred for the public that always underpins officialdom’s instinct for censorship and control." This is a worthwhile read:
BUT WHY do they need all this censorship? When the USA kills civilians it is called 'Collateral Damage'. When the Russians inadvertently do the same, it is called 'War Crimes'. This is the nature of information distorted in favour of the hegemon – it is no more than Weasel Words – "noun, plural noun: weasel words; noun: weasel word - words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading." Per Collins.
Caitlin Johnson has a great example: "Trevor Noah: "In the US you have the right to speak the truth even if it makes the people in power uncomfortable." In 2021 Daniel Hale was sentenced to 45 months in prison for exposing that in Afghanistan, 90% of the victims of US airstrikes were civilians." QED. "Trevor Noah did not mention these people, or the many others who’ve been persecuted, silenced, imprisoned and killed for saying things the powerful individuals who govern the US don’t approve of, because as a member of the mainstream media his job is not to inform but to propagandize. This is why they need censorship – to cover up their crimes which Julian Assange exposed all those years ago and they won't let it go – they can't - lest they are hauled to account as justice requires. Even their puppy-dog Boris is raked in on the crime. So what happens next? 'International Man' has the story:
"The last time the US government faced an imminent financial crisis was in March 2020. At the time, it was the height of the stock market crash amid the COVID hysteria. People were panicking as they watched the market plummet, and they turned to the Fed to do something.
In a matter of days, the Fed created more dollars out of thin air than it had for the US’s nearly 250-year existence. It was an unprecedented amount of money printing that amounted to more than $4 trillion and nearly doubled the US money supply in less than a year. For perspective, the daily economic output of all 331 million people in the US is about $58 billion.
At the push of a button, the Fed was creating more dollars out of thin air than the economic output of the entire country. The Fed's actions during the Covid hysteria amounted to the biggest monetary explosion that has ever occurred in the US. It's a strong indication they won't hesitate to use the financial 'Samson Option'. When the Fed initiated this program, it assured the American people its actions wouldn’t cause severe price increases. But unfortunately, it didn’t take long to prove that absurd assertion false.
As soon as rising prices became apparent, the mainstream media and Fed claimed that the inflation was only "transitory" and that there was nothing to be worried about. Of course, they were dead wrong, and they knew it—they were gaslighting. The truth is that inflation is out of control, and nothing can stop it. Even according to the government’s own crooked CPI statistics, which understates reality, inflation is rising fast. That means the actual situation is much worse."
You see, its weasel-words every time. The Fed has created all this chaos; it wasn't Covid, nor Ukraine, not even the Chinese supply chain collapse. It's the last embers of a dying empire squirming in their desperation to survive.
COLLAPSE MONITOR: Putin's long speech recently was not reported in full by the Western MSM, for good reason. It clearly condemned our rulers with an honest assessment of hard times to come. This snippet sets the scene:
"The truth is that the current problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of years of action, error, short-sightedness, and ambition on the part of the ruling elites of their states. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own self-interest and super profits. This is evidenced by data from international organizations, which clearly show that social problems, even in the leading Western countries, have only worsened in recent years, that inequality, the gap between rich and poor, and racial and national conflicts are on the rise." This is going to be long battle:
THE NARRATIVE BATTLE: The EU Vaccine Passport Restrictions are Dramatic. Fundamental Rights are being violated. "The EU Digital COVID Certificate Framework is slated to be tied into negotiations pertaining to a worldwide “Pandemic Treaty” which were initiated in early March 2022. The object of the Pandemic Treaty consists in creating by 2024 a global health governance entity under WHO auspices.
In turn the Pandemic Treaty would be tied into the WHO’s QR Verification Code project, which is intent upon creating a global digital data bank of 7.9 billion people. Both initiatives are to be carried out concurrently by the WHO in liaison with ID2020 and the Gavi Alliance, both of which are funded by the Gates Foundation.
Peter Koenig describes the QR Code as: “an all-electronic ID – linking everything to everything of each individual (records of health, banking, personal and private, etc.).”
According to David Scripac: “A worldwide digital ID system is in the making. [The aim] of the WEF—and of all the central banks [is] to implement a global system in which everyone’s personal data will be incorporated into the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) network.” This rests on the false narrative that an alleged “Covid-19 Pandemic is Real” and that the “mRNA Covid-19 vaccine constitutes a SOLUTION to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.” Full details:
A PLEA FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD: "IF I DON'T KNOW – I CAN'T ACT" - Information and knowledge should be free to everyone. Those less fortunate, who are unable to pay, are often those most in need. MAKING A DONATION will spread knowledge and understanding far and wide and empower humanity to keep the peace: