Economic Warfare 101 – IMF Clueless as Britain sinks Further into Quagmire – Bankers' Wars - Letter from Great Britain [05-14-22]
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WISE QUOTE: “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” - Confucius
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: As we now know, having published their plans, the Banksters are intent on retaining their excesses; are they also planning to own the whole world?
Britain is a country with thousands of years of history and it is claimed to be the mother of all democracies. The 17th-century activist Gerrard Winstanley, who published searing treatises about the question of class and land ownership, led the dissident 'Diggers' in occupying common land during the time of the enclosures.
Winstanley was fighting a reformatory system which has led to the extreme wealth disparity of today according to author Guy Shrubsole in his 2019 book Who Owns England? "Half is owned by less than 1% of the population, and 67% is owned by a mixture of aristocrats, corporations, the crown, the church and oligarchs; the last one is particularly prescient given the role of Russia’s wealthy elite and Britain’s complicity in their overseas investments."
So when our localised economy, described in my recent article, becomes a fact after the coming Great Depression II, will the elites use force to secure their land and property rights? Does this mean civil war? Are their enough elites to mount an action? What happened in 'The English Civil War' (1642–1651)? This was a series of civil wars and political machinations between Parliamentarians ("Roundheads") and Royalists. We've been here before and the proletariat won that time, for a while. What do you think our chances are this time?
BREAKING NEWS: The Queen opened parliament this week, well not in person, the first time in 70 years, being represented by Prince Charles. The speech, delivered by the Prince of Wales amid the pomp of the state opening of parliament, included plans to tear up the Human Rights Act, make it harder for councils to rename streets and privatise Channel 4. Boris Johnson was accused of being “bereft of ideas or purpose,” after the speech included 38 new bills but offered no specific measures to tackle the immediate cost of living crisis.
Torsten Bell, the director of the Resolution Foundation thinktank, was equally withering. “British politics is out of ideas,” he said. “Further action has been promised on the cost of living, but there certainly wasn’t any in the Queen’s speech. It rightly highlighted the need for growth – the essential precondition for ending our living standards' stagnation – but did little to actually bring it about.”
Talk about whistling in the dark. They can't admit it but we know our leaders have no way to avoid economic collapse which I described in this week's Part 2 essay – 'The End of Growth'. All you see happening is pure theatre but unfortunately it's a play that is causing immense misery and killing millions of people. When the MSM reports this economic crisis you know it's real:
ECONOMIC WARFARE has worsened this week with China engaging in supply chain disruption by irrationally locking down their production facilities on the flimsy excuse of "Covid". Perhaps we should revisit the original response to the scamdemic event. ZH has the details, here's the conclusion:
"…tensions between the U.S. and China, which are already the highest they have been in decades. Further, the U.S. has warned China about trying to help Russia skirt Western sanctions, the report says: The United States said last week China could face consequences if it helped Russia to evade Western sanctions that have included financial measures restricting Russia's access to foreign currency and make it complicated to process international payments
2020 was one thing - we (likely wrongfully) gave China the benefit of the doubt on its lockdowns because of the air of confusion Covid created globally - but thanks to the war in Ukraine and what we now know about Covid, 2022 should be handled with far more skepticism. But this time around, we’d be better served to question China’s motive in a way most of us didn’t in 2020. While in 2020, it was easy to attribute China’s shut down to the virus, this time around we shouldn’t be so quick to be satisfied with that answer.
We know far more about the virus than we did 2 years ago - notably that it isn’t a guaranteed death sentence. On top of that, we have the unique economic situation developing globally, wherein Russia - in the midst of war and being alienated from the West - is seeking an economic partner and has likely found one in Beijing.
Given the global backdrop and what we now know about the virus, it’s tough to draw a road of logic that doesn’t, at some point, lead to asking questions about whether or not China could be engaging in these lockdowns on purpose. Beijing’s forthcoming actions will continue to tell the tale."
THE FACT IS China is playing 'GO' whilst the US is playing Solitaire; Russia is playing 3 dimensional chess whilst NATO is playing Draughts (Checkers); and the EU isn't playing at all because they are so dumb they don't even know the game is in play. This can be explained by reading this short book: “There are at least two kinds of games,” states James P. Carse as he begins this extraordinary book. “One could be called finite; the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” Finite-Infinite-Games-James-Carse
THE IMF IS EITHER MAD or BAD. According to their 'Great Leader', Director Kristalina Georgieva, they either don't have a clue about Economics 101 (Mad), or they are lying through their metrics (Bad). Follow the money, as usual:
"IMF did just that during a recent panel discussion hosted by CNBC. She conceded that central banks globally “printed too much money and didn’t think of unintended consequences. I think we are not paying sufficient attention to the law of unintended consequences. We take decisions with an objective in mind and rarely think through what may happen that is not our objective. And then we wrestle with the impact of it."
“Take any decision that is a massive decision, like the decision that we need to spend to support the economy. At that time, we did recognize that maybe too much money in circulation and too few goods, but didn’t really quite think through the consequence in a way that upfront would have informed better what we do.”
"How this economic brain trust failed to consider that injecting trillions into the economy would cause prices to rise is a bit of a head-scratcher. This is Economics 101. Expanding the money supply pushes prices higher than they otherwise would be. I knew this would happen. Peter Schiff knew this would happen. Heck, you probably knew this would happen. But the people charged with running the global economy didn’t?"
These people are either wildly incompetent, or they are lying to you. Either way, they are “bad economists” as defined by Frédéric Bastiat: "Between a good and a bad economist this constitutes the whole difference — the one takes account of the visible effect; the other takes account both of the effects which are seen, and also of those which it is necessary to foresee.”
"Good on Georgieva, I guess. They say admitting your problem is the first step on the road to recovery. So, you might think this confession is a step forward. But I assure you, it’s not. The ego, arrogance, and hubris that make these people think they can micromanage the global economy remain firmly in place. They just think they need to try a little bit harder. Although Georgieva admits a mistake, the rest of her comment reveals she hasn’t learned the lesson:"
LEADING ON – so what can we expect for our prosperity going forward? Has any government or institution got effective plans to combat our failing economies, drastically rising prices of everything and collapsing services and supply chains? The prognosis is not good according to Dr Tim Morgan who was instrumental in assisting me in compiling 'Chapter 12 – The End of Growth' in my book referenced above, as well as the Appendix having his valuable insights. Tim's projections and forecasts have proven amazingly accurate and this recent update supports my assessment:
"We can reasonably infer that there can be no soft landing from a choice between market collapse and soaring inflation, and that the public cannot be expected to go on buying implausible long-term answers to worsening short-term economic hardship.
We are, likewise, at liberty to produce reality-based assessments of the present, and to set out probable trends in the future. We can demonstrate, for instance, that most of the “growth” of the past twenty years has been cosmetic, that prosperity is already in relentless decline, and that rises in the real costs of energy-intensive necessities are strangling the scope for discretionary consumption.
We can point out that monetary policy has been driven into a cul-de-sac, and that there is no policy ‘fix’ that avoids both the Scylla of inflation and the Charybdis of recession. How, though, does any of this help those burdened with responsibility for decisions? We can go on to draw reasonable inferences, which include the probability that asset price delusions will fade away, and that popular patience may not much longer survive the solvent of worsening hardship. None of this, though, offers a palatable alternative to TINA (There Is No Alternative).
It might seem almost heartening that, in the absence of logic and evidence, TINA has become the sole prop retained by the consensus “narrative”. We need to beware, though, that TINA may have a far less forgiving sibling, with the confusingly-similar acronym TINAR – There Is No Acceptable Reality".
BRITAIN CONTINUES its slide into global irrelevance as its people suffers intolerable poverty. The Rowntree Foundation is an important watchdog and its findings should not be minimised.
"Katie Schmuecker, Deputy Director of Policy & Partnerships at JRF said: “It defies logic to expect people to be able to cope with a steep increase in the cost of essentials when their incomes are not keeping up with inflation. We already hear countless examples of people across the country struggling to adequately heat their homes and feed and care for their families. Following a decade of cuts and freezes to the benefits system, this failure to keep pace with prices will cast more people into desperate situations. In a country as rich as ours in 2022, this is just not right.
“Our analysis shows that the Chancellor’s support to date is simply not going to protect households on the lowest incomes from the frightening increase in energy bills we are all going to face. Sharp rises in essential costs like energy and food are especially hard for people on fixed incomes to bear – this includes people who are unable to work due to disability or ill health or caring responsibilities."
SO OUR Chancellor, 'Dishy Rishi', is MIA but he needs to do more to avoid the damaging effects of this cost of living crisis. It bears disproportionately on the struggling 50% of Brits with below average income. HMRC data shows that the average gross UK income at the start of 2022 was £24,600.
"Welcome to [austerity] Britain, May 2022 – and one of the most toxic and dangerous economic moments I can recall. Last week, the Bank of England forecast inflation exceeding 10% and predicted negligible growth for the next two years, toppling into months of recession, accompanied by the savage squeeze on living standards. This is serious enough, but less remarked and of as much importance is the 10% devaluation of sterling over the past three months.
This is a reaction to the economic trap Britain is in, intensified by the implosion of our EU trade post Brexit and the Brexit-induced fall-away in inward investment. If sterling’s fall continues, the Bank of England’s policy choices will be even grimmer." The government are out of options:
COLLAPSE MONITOR: "While the world’s attention is absorbed by tectonic shifts unfolding in Ukraine and the danger of military confrontation between NATO and Eurasia, something very ominous has appeared “off of the radar” of most onlookers. This something is a financial collapse of the trans-Atlantic banks that threatens to unleash chaos upon the world. It is this collapse that underlies the desperate efforts being made by the neo-con drive for total war with Russia, China and other members of the growing multipolar Alliance today.
The Bank of England-authored Green New Deal being pushed under the fog of COVID-19’s Great Green Global Reset which promise to impose draconian constraints on humanity’s carrying capacity in defense of saving nature from humanity have nothing to do with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and they have less to do with the Bretton Woods conference of 1944. These are merely central bankers’ wet dreams for depopulation and fascism “with a democratic face” which their 1923 and 1933 efforts failed to achieve and can only be imposed if people remain blind to their own recent history."
Mathew Ehret presents a prescient study of recent history and postulates that we are in the process of repeating it because 'all wars are bankers' wars'. The writer and philosopher George Santayana quote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is a long read but worth it IMHO:
THE NARRATIVE BATTLE: 'Truth is the first casualty of war' as propaganda emanates from both sides, what are we to believe? What we do know for sure about why the Ukraine tragedy has arisen – starting out as a local conflict – having metasized into a proxy war between two nuclear-armed states, did NATO create this in the first place?
"Many western experts warned for many years that the actions of the US and NATO would lead to the confrontation we’re now being menaced with. There was every opportunity to turn away from this war, and instead the US-centralized Empire hit the accelerator and drove right into it - knowingly. The whole thing was premeditated. All with the goal of weakening Russia and effecting regime change in Moscow in order to secure US unipolar hegemony.
This US administration is just rolling the dice on nuclear conflict with increasing frequency every day. Even if humanity survives this standoff (and the one with China that’s next in line), Biden will still have been an unforgivably depraved president for allowing it to get this close. There’s no excuse whatsoever for just casually rolling the dice on all terrestrial life like this."
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